Freut ihr euch auf den krassen Wintereinbruch im Februar?
Im Februar soll es ja wahrscheinlich ziemlich kalt werden. Freut ihr euch auf eine weiße Schneepracht? Also ich schon. Ich finde Schnee verzaubert die Landschaft so schön
Im Februar soll es ja wahrscheinlich ziemlich kalt werden. Freut ihr euch auf eine weiße Schneepracht? Also ich schon. Ich finde Schnee verzaubert die Landschaft so schön
Oft wen ich Nachts. Aufwache Regnet es Viel. Hat es Einen Grund. Das Mehr Regnet ?
Ist es erst um 7 Uhr oder wird es bereits um 6 Uhr hell?
Although I haven’t seen anything yet, I should really be happy – I like cold, white winter much better than this humid grey weather at the moment…
First of all, I wait to see if this really happens – and anyway, as it comes, main thing, there is no baldness.
Yes Glatteis is, of course, really stupid.
Well, a white snowy splendour may be quite beautiful, but I also like to have disadvantages. So I’m really looking forward to it very much. Who exactly says that this winter break is coming? Would you have a serious source? I’m reading this for the first time…
Look at the weather report. That’s what everyone says
I only read such tendencies:
In any case, on the serious side.
I didn’t say it. I meant nzr probably
Well, it’s clear that everything is not safe and predictable. Didn’t you read that?
That’s what I meant
These reports only spread the usual sources of non-essentiality.
All serious weather offices say nothing about it. Rather the opposite is the case. As the current major weather situation is, there will be no great winter break in foreseeable time. These are currently held via East Asia and Canada.
I wouldn’t think it’s still so mild.
With us in the Vogtland is the deepest winter. Since 18 January we have a closed snow blanket. I wouldn’t call it mild. But because of the temperatures at about 0 degrees also not as high-wintering.
At -20°C it does not snow (more), there is no single snowflake because too cold. And no, I’m not looking forward to snow. I can’t do that…
Whether this actually happens remains to be seen.
I don’t like snow.
I haven’t heard of that yet. As you describe it, of course, it sounds beautiful, I really like it. Just if you can’t run like me, it’ll be a problem.
No, I don’t need snow. It’s enough for nature to rain.
My joy keeps within limits.
Just wait to see what’s going on.
I’ve already eaten too cold…
jaja un d then it rains………. can’t even predict 3 days
From me, spring can come again.
Cold does not heat snow,but snow would be nice
In the foreseeable time, however, both are only to be expected only by the bargain.
Yes ❄♥️
No, then I have to heat.
So I’m freezing all day, thank you
Snow always goes! We had already in December, but we should like to come back! 🙂
I don’t need snow and there’s enough in the Meier region at the foot of the Erzgebirge.
Smooth, wet, cold, dark, dirty… I can’t win the winter.