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It’s three. You can form complete chords.
Great. Singinging is so beautiful.
Singingen is magic
No, not really. I’d rather sing alone, just with a piano. I love this feeling of standing alone on stage and showing everyone I can. Through a skillful correpetition, my piece looks very different to the listeners and to me, which is why this is indispensable. But a second voice changes everything again. The pressure is no longer so large and you yourself are no longer in the undivided spotlight. In addition, I am restricted in my own interpretation of the piece when a second person sings.
I am always happy to sing, even two, but I am happy a thousand times more when I sing alone.
Yeah, sure. Singinging is fun. Whether in the choir or as a solo, I love both.
Singen is great. Sings for my love to live.
Yeah, I think so. In singing you can always accept new challenges. Just like on the violin 😁.
I’ve already thought that you’re singing great.
Right. I live that sing so much and always rejoice when I sing or sing others.
That’s nice. 🙂
Thank you. Would like to hear you sing.
What are you singing?
I like hearing people sing.
Singing good
I hope so. I came at least through the recording exam for the choir.
I love that song blowing in the wind.
Blowing in the wind is brilliant, a masterpiece, and so simplifies that it can sing almost everyone
What do you like to sing
Me or him?
I really like to sing different things. Depends on what we do.
Favourite songs
What do you mean?
Which song you prefer to sing.
Oh, I have to try.
I’d be interested.
Yes I constantly sing with colleagues and roar Smells Like Teen Spirit and Sweet Home Alabama through the area
Also you like to sing for your life
Of course, I want singers
No, I am unmusical