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Ich muss für das Gedicht ,, Wer nie sein Brot mit tränen aß” von Goethe das Metrum bestimmen und kam darauf das es Sechshebig ist. Ich kann das schlecht selber korrigieren und wollte mal hier fragen ob es evtl. einer weiß. Danke für jede Hilfe
Hallo ich schreibe morgen eine Klassenarbeit und habe zum üben eine Gedichtinterpretation geschrieben, nun weiß ich nicht ob es richtig ist. Wäre nett wenn ihr mal ein Blick reinwerfen würdet wenn ihr Ahnung davon habt. danke schon mal und gibt mir super gerne Tipps:)
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Brauche ganz dringend hilfe.Kann mir vielleicht wer ein paar (3-4) mehtapern aus metaphern aus dem Buch nennen ? Am besten mit kapietel und Seite (wenn es geht beides)
You should read the sonnet! Doesn’t it look like a simple report from an incident experienced during a hike, does it?
.Friendly encounter
Covered in a wide coat to the chin,
I walked the rock path, the sharp, gray,
herds then to wintery aureas,
It’s a bad idea to escape.
At once the new day seemed unveiled:
A girl came to look at a sky,
Like those who love women
The poetry world. My tendons were cut.
But I walked away and let her go!
And wrapped me tightly in the folds,
As if I were to warn in myself;
And follow her. She was standing. There it was
I can’t hold myself in my case,
The I threw away they lay in my arms.
What do you mean reading Sonett? I don’t know. Thank you for your feedback
Your question seems like you haven’t read the poem. To give you the opportunity to know, I wrote the sonnet of 2 quartets and 2 terzettes for you to read.
But I’ve already read, but I’m really hard to do this.
This can have many different meanings, depends on the context and different properties of the opponents.
What meaning? Is it a love poem?
By saving your work, you have to write more information about your question, no one who could give you an answer to your question to answer it. You don’t have to worry about it if you’re just over yourself.
Okay, sorry, I just wanted to know what this poem is about. It’s an analysis and I don’t understand
As a starting aid here a rudimentary summary; continue to search on the Internet or think about yourself:
LovePoemProject2011: “Friendly Begegnen” by Johann Wolfgang Goethe (
This has helped me very much, thank you very much. I was in the stress this morning. Excuse me again
Best answer, I could do something right. Thank you