Freundin wurde wegen Schmerztabletten überdosis in psychiatrie eingewiesen ,werden briefe gelesen die sie an mich schreibt?

Hallo ich mache mir große Sorgen um meine freundin. Sie wurde in rechts der isar in München eingewiesen wegen Schmerztabletten Überdosis. Jetzt habe ich eine Frage an euch ob briefe gelesen werden die sie schreibt und an mich versendet? Helft mir bitte, danke . Mfg Martin

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4 months ago

Certainly not. She’s not in a high-security prison and you’re not trying to commit her to a crime. Apart from being chronically underoccupied by nursing staff and having no time for this, there is the secret of the letter and you cannot do that. Unless the police tries to commit them to a criminal offence and has the permission of a prosecutor

4 months ago

No matter what she wrote to you, it is subject to confidentiality.

You will provide the attending doctor with information about the location of your girlfriend

4 months ago

They are not allowed to read letters when they do it is even a crime

However, this is not followed, and if the letters are lying around in the room, maybe they will.

4 months ago

I’m sure it’s up to the attending doctor.