Freundin und Freundinnen haben große Pupillen?

Meine Freundin hatte mich letztes Mal angelogen, das Sie an einen Joint gezogen hat, so dann kam es raus war ich na klar angepisst seit dem die Schule ist, macht sie sowas. Frage mich gerade, sie hat wenig geschlafen und war heute Morgen sau müde, frage mich, ob sie was genommen hat, weil einfach komplett aufgepimpt und als wenn sie wach wäre. Frage mich nur, was los ist.

Die Freundin hat große Pupillen und meine Freundin auch.

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2 years ago

Were you pissed now because she lied or because she stole it? The first one I can understand a little bit, the latter less. But no, cannabis does not extend the pupils in itself. This can be caused by illness or other substances. There are also those who do the opposite. Otherwise, the size of our pupil in healthy people is influenced by the incidence of light.

2 years ago

I don’t really understand the question… do you think your girlfriend has stolen (big pupils)? That would be contrary to the “pimpeded” – because of grass you will be all but light wax and twisted. That would be more like amphetamines or cocaine.

2 years ago

Don’t judge, be there for her and wait.
In the end, it’s her business, what she does. Even if you’re worried, too much oversight is a shame.

2 years ago

Tell her you did it and found it cool, then believe you and tell you the truth about what to do after that. If she does it anyway, you can only say that you are there for her if she doesn’t feel good or something….more