Freundin pflegt sich nicht mehr?

Hey ihr Leute, habe ein großes Problem…meine Freundin (18) meinte eines Tages zu mir dieser Rasiertrend würde sie Stressen, woraufhin ich gesagt hab wenn sie es nicht mehr machen würde würd es mich auch nicht stören…Naja was soll ich sagen, ein halbes Jahr später ohne Rasur hat sie einen Busch, rasiert ihre Achseln kaum mehr und ihre Beine auch garnicht mehr und ich finde es furchtbar abturnend..Tangas will sie auch nicht mehr tragen sondern nurnoch solche boxershorts für Frauen…Wie mache ich das wieder rückgängig ich halte es nicht mehr aus!!!

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1 year ago

She feels so comfortable, but you don’t…

But to make you feel comfortable, shouldn’t she feel comfortable?

I’m sorry but none of the two options offer a “healthy” relationship. You can or should, of course, appeal to her, but don’t you think she’s uncomfortable even though you “approved” it?

No shave doesn’t mean she doesn’t care!

Why can’t men just accept and love the body of women?

1 year ago

To shave the body has nothing to do with “care”. As long as she regularly washes and pays attention to good dental hygiene, is they care.

If you don’t like this, you’re probably the wrong one for her and you should end the relationship. You must feel comfortable in her body, your opinion is second. And she doesn’t have to wear tangas for you either. If you only value such externalities, it hasn’t lost much when you finish.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Then talk to her. Maybe you can find a compromise.

Otherwise you will have to accept it. After all, you agreed when she told you about her plans.

1 year ago

It is and just remains YOUR body.

Find yourself out. If you don’t mind.

But better say nix what you like… “who I said if she didn’t do it would not bother me”

1 year ago

Tell her she doesn’t like you and she’s supposed to do it like a decent woman. Or leave her, she’s not good enough

1 year ago

Oh, women who don’t shave are indecent? What kind of absurd woman?