Freundin minderjähirg schwanger sie möchte es behalten ich nicht?
Hallo in die runde und zwar geht es darum meine freundin wird 17 und ist schwanger sie möchte es nicht abtreiben wir sind 3 monate zusammen ich bin 18 und in der ausbildung zum abtreiben zwingen geht nicht aber da unsere beziehung sowieso nicht läuft weis ich schon aus was das hinaus geht
habe mir sagen lassen dass ich das sorgerecht bekomme ist das richtig? Was habe ich für rechte und pflichten wie siehts aus mit unterhalt ab wann muss den den zahlen und wie viel
In your attitude, I hope you don’t get custody. I hope that their parents will support them and prevent them from doing so in court.
How can you say that if you don’t understand our situation and shows how the current situation is
You don’t automatically get custody. That’s what the family court decides when it’s disgusting. Actually, the mother has the better cards for very young children and fathers rather the ass card.
You only have the duty to pay regular child support. To all other rights will have to fight if the mother does not cooperate.
No, not quite.
Since the mother is still minor at the time of birth, her right of custody rests until the 18th birthday. If you both agree to apply for common custody, then (and only then!) the full-year father exercises parental care alone until the mother becomes full-year.
If no joint declaration of custody has been issued and thus the mother alone has the right to custody, the juvenile office of the child will be the legal guardian until the 18th birthday of the mother.
maintenance pays the father from birth; the amount depends on the income. If the father is not efficient, the youth office takes over.
You only have the duty to take care of the child. If you don’t want to, you have to pay maintenance. how high they are, a family court decides.
You have a very busy time ahead of you, you have to go through now.
Your rights
1 visit per week
Every 2 te weekend with accommodation
Half of the holiday, right to visit
In addition, half custody
Membership of the name
All other interests of the child need your consent
You only have these rights if the mother allows it.
You pay maintenance if you have over 1560€ net and work.
Without work, the border is approx. 200€ lower.
Ps: Be a man, take responsibility and show that you are able to relate.
Don’t tell him that shit. With an infant or toddler, he doesn’t get overnight or vacation, for that, much more visits per week.
If you don’t know, just get out.
The custody of the mother first. So that you can also have a right of custody (and therefore also a duty of maintenance) the mother must have you registered as a father. The mother must decide whether this is appropriate under the circumstances you have given.
Isn’t quite right – since the mother will be a minor at birth, her custody rests. Legal guardian of the child will then be the Youth Office until the 18th birthday of the mother.
The maintenance obligation is independent of custody. Compulsory for the maintenance claim is that paternity has been recognised or judged, but the recognition of paternity does not automatically ensure custody, but only for the right of dealing.
You get common custody, but you have to apply.
You’ll have a right to visit. What it looks like depends on your situation and the age of the child. This doesn’t always have to run over the youth office and court, you can just settle it together.
You have to pay maintenance from birth, for the child in any case, for the child’s mother in the first three years, if she doesn’t work, and you still have something left. How much you have to pay depends on your income, you can’t answer it at all.
Hello Peter, what week of pregnancy is your girlfriend? Did the female doctor confirm pregnancy?
Beyond the financial and your involvement in it and the custody issue, your girlfriend as a mother is asked how she is personally involved in pregnancy. She is already directly connected to the little one. Not only physically, but also mentally. She’s wearing the girl. How did she tell you she wants to get the child? What’s hard to understand? What are you afraid? Do your parents know about pregnancy? Write again, there will be a way. Support will also get your girlfriend. She can go to good advice.
But now one by one. Are you writing again? Best regards 👋
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