Freundin bekommt angeblich ein pferd?
Also, meine Freundin die gerne lügen erzählt meinte in unsere Freundes Gruppe sie bekommt ein Pferd. So, ein Tag davor schreibt sie einer Unseren Freundin das sie keine Motivation mehr hat zum reiten und dann kommt sie mit „Ich hab kein Bock mehr auf reiten“
zudem wohnen wir in Österreich, und so viel ich weiß braucht man den reiterpass dazu, denn sie aber ned hat. Wenn dann müsse sie das Pferd bei mir sein, weil ich diejenige bin mit dem pass.
Darf sie jetzt eigentlich ein Pferd haben ohne reiterpass? Ich mein sie kann ned mal richtig galoppieren.
If you don’t believe her, I’d just wait to see how it’s getting out. What if it were? So what. Then she’s got a horse. You can’t do anything about that.
if the parents buy one and allow her to use it, they may use it.
that with the rider pass is crawling.
you know – for example, there are a baptismal people who call racehorses or high-class gymnastics or share their own and who have never sat in their lives on a horse. this is also available in Austria.
please put your child’s neck down. that’s what’s called friendship with you – crawling around and scubating and mobbing behind. be a nice child and behave as your parents have raised you (hopefully).
please call me one reasonable reason why the parents of your “friend” You buy a horse…
I don’t mean buying her parents with one. I mean, they don’t have room for it first. Secondly, she will, as she always tells me when school time is not even let out because it has to learn. Doesn’t mean she wouldn’t have time for it.
scratch the butter from your own brot and leave the impossible chat.
reddish 15-year-olds are not so much like to see here.
save your own backyard.
Horses are usually not placed in their own garden, but are housed in a setting. Depending on the operation, the horses are taken out of it.
Well, if they’re going by guys loudly, that I’m a nu!
I’d just wait and see what’s happening.
But you don’t need a horse pass, you have to be full year, so you can’t buy one!
Even if her parents buy her a horse? Give it to her and be a good friend! Very nasty and bad of you as you think about it! Just because you’re jealous of your girlfriend having a horse soon and you don’t have to think so wrong behind her back. Maybe something will jump out for you both?! You might get a Rb on her horse and she just has fun and is happy?! remember your mindset, thank you.
No one under 18, may have a horse in Austria.
It is also prohibited in Germany! Ownership obligated, only a very small part of young people, let alone children may legally possess horses or other GV units in Germany.
Slight because they are not aware of the financial risk and also do not suspect.
§ 79. Riding. Austria
(1)Reiters must be physically suitable and of riding be in knowledge*and the 16. Year of life completed. younger people are allowed to ride with adults only; However, this does not apply to horseback riding in the context of an agricultural holding when the rider has completed the twelfth year of life.
(2) Only the roadway and on roads with riding paths can be used only the riding paths. For use of the roadway, the provisions of the II apply. Sections analogous and they have to observe arm or light signs.
* here a certificate is absolutely necessary!
You can have a horse with no riding pass. Probably the parents would buy her the horse. If you sound very unbelievable, don’t believe it.
If, yes, their parents would buy the horse (or how old is this “kindergarten”?)…. even in Austria, private people may buy horses to keep them for private purposes or on their own ground and ground.
But the problem should be another, it’s giving up. a horse wanted. And if that doesn’t work, she says she doesn’t want to ride anymore….
How old since her? Sounds to me like you’ve been in school age. It can be possible that the parents have a riding pass and buy a horse.
I’m 15 she 13 and I’ve seen the parents and family. No one of them really has rider experience. But besides her grandpa he died
Just tell her you don’t believe it until you see it. So you give her the opportunity to prove that you have doubts.
And it’s enough for parents to have this passport? Doesn’t he have to sit on the horse?
the elders. nix reiterpass, nix license. even nix
only make the money loose for the horse and everything around it.
Do not know me with the regulations in Austria. But according to the question, the girlfriend has already ridden horses, how should they have done that if it is not allowed without passport. I think the passport needs the one who wants to own a horse.
in the grounds.
ne famous by me is certified walking guide in ösiland. on private grounds, you can continue to do what you want. for example ride on the alp.
and viehtrieb is also permitted without any elite quali.
Austria has for some time limited the use of horses without qualifications. This is created by the rules there to use traffic routes:(1)Reiters must be physically appropriate andof riding be in knowledge*and the16. Year of life completed. younger persons may only ride with an adult;
As proof, the police accept the regulatory authorities as an absolute minimum proof of the riding pass or for persons over 18 years of age detectable riding experience with a claim, better riding pass.
So do I.
I know about 10.
naming would of course be user demonstration.
I keep doing the experience here that the Austrians are already very special…
So I know it here (Germany) too…
No, you don’t need a horse passport to own a horse. But you have to be fully operational – that’s what you’re doing.
So you don’t get a horse.
You don’t need a document or the like to have a horse. I hope she doesn’t get one as you describe it, but wait. Otherwise, ask her parents directly
Then just wait a minute when the excuse comes that the horse didn’t work.