Freundin 10kg zugenommen?
ich hab das Problem, dass meine Freundin seitdem ich mit ihr zusammengekommen bin am 8.10, 10kg zugenommen hat. Sie ist 1,58 groß und wiegt jetzt 67kg. Anfangs fand ich es irgendwie niedlich, wenn sie viel gegessen hat aber mittlerweile finde ich es ab und zu unangenehm, wenn sie irgendwie nicht mehr aufhört. Sollte ich was sagen?
Could be on the pill..
Don’t take it.
She is (always) in a healthy and normal weight, but if it bothers you and you don’t find her/less attractive, you can of course tell her.
I wouldn’t say to her in your place, “you’re gonna be fat,” but I’d rather push her subtle. For example, you say that you would like to take off yourself and ask if she wants to do more sports with you, or to eat healthier with you (so that you are more motivated or something). You know them better than I do, so if you don’t mind such a comment, you can say nicely to her that you noticed that she has increased something and maybe try to motivate her to take something off, your girlfriend should want it.
It is important that you do not force them to do so, after all it is also their choice whether they want to lose weight or not, it does not need it healthily. But you should always be nice.
And of course, if you’re talking to her quite openly about it, it might also be important to talk to her why she’s increased. Maybe she’s burdening something, or just enjoying it with you, and that’s why she’s got something to go.
Objection: This is clearly overweight!
Women who take in a relationship feel comfortable that means from their point of view your relationship works and 9 kg are not much. You’re not exactly thin whom I see your other questions
Absolutely. At some point, it’s at 100 kg and then it’s too late. And ask yourself if she feeds so much because she is very happy or totally unhappy. Or if she misses anything.
Yeah, I don’t think so now, I’m just trying to comment. We really like to eat together, feel it’s the only thing we do hahah
and I think it’s because she’s happy, so something happened where she was very sad and there she almost didn’t eat anything
Well, it’s not a miracle.
Yes, maybe I suggest that we pay more attention
That’s good. But quality is ahead of quantity.
Well, that was more of a joke. Of course we also do other things, but we also like to eat together. And I didn’t take so much in time.
If you eat the only thing you do, it’s no wonder you get fat, right? Other couples f****n, go for a walk, go to the zoo, to the gym, for swimming, ice skating…
Ujuj. (justified) Shitstorm in 3…2…1…
I find 10 kilos of weight in just 3 months to increase quite violently.
There are women who suffer from being single and by suffering they eat little(s), or eat less in this phase of being alone because they think they must be more attractive on the single market, i.e. thin.
There are not a few people who go apart like yeast scares when they have what they wanted: a relationship.
And as you write down in a comment so strikingly:
So she won’t eat less, because she’s happy! So actually this food and lifestyle is the actual and its rather underweight only if it is unhappy.
You can actually only see that you get the tomb between honesty and happiness with her. 😉
Best regards 🙋 ♀️ +😺 +😺
Yes, if you love her. Who loves his partner cares about health. At present, everything may be okay. If it continues, it will suffer.
Basically, you need to know that yourself.
I like it when my girlfriend is growing or We’ve got an increase.
If your problem lies only with the amount of food, everything is good
Yes, you can. This is now overweight and you can call it quietly by name.
If you can’t talk about it, the relationship is worthless.
Why is it worthless? I’m just mean and I’m not doing it.
It’s bothering you. You should be able to say that. There’s nothing wrong with that. She’s letting herself go, and it’s not healthy either. People who love each other, watch each other – even if it becomes a bit unpleasant.
Oh, my God, grow up.
Yes, what just prevents me is the fact that food is such a big part of our relationship. So we’re constantly looking for new shops, try new food and generally we’re really happy to eat together and you can’t just finish it, I mean the relationship is somehow based on it and above all I don’t want to hurt her.
Do you want to be frightened by her, want her to swallow everything that bothers her until she bursts one day? Respectful openness is the secret of a good relationship.
Yes, at the beginning I found it kind of sweet only meanwhile it is sometimes unpleasant to me and I can’t just tell her the exact opposite?