Freunden absagen und dafür mit anderen? Abmachung nicht gehalten?

Wir haben unter Freunden etwas ausgemacht (Unternehmung). Einer hat abgesagt und will dasselbe jetzt mit jmd anderem machen.

Die anderen sind sauer/enttäuscht und regen sich auf.


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2 years ago

Depends on the context and how often one looks in general. And how short or long it was before.

If you see yourself regularly, it’s less n problem than if the meeting was one of two in the year.

If the rejection ne week before it happens, it’s different than if it happens in the morning just before you want to go

2 years ago
Reply to  qummiiik

Yeah, I understand. Sometimes. In my opinion, the scales are just as close.

Would it have been a way to go to 4. So the other one just came with you three?

2 years ago

It’s not a foundation for them. That doesn’t explain why he did it. Rather why he doesn’t understand you’re mad. Bzw. Why it might be him. No matter.

2 years ago

Whatever. In this case, it would be urgent to set up a firm.

I’d be less sore as he does. It’s more like he doesn’t justify it.

2 years ago

Is that kind of a reason? If, e.g., Ben Freund were there right now and possibly Don’t want to go with 20 people. Or I want to have time. I might. Also cancel friends I see much more often.

Or if it is. N Date with the potential partner. But then I would communicate that.

Of course it can also be that the person is pissed on you because of something (or one in the group). And that doesn’t communicate.

It would also be possible for me personally. It’s a reason to say something to third, and then suddenly 20 people are to go. Or hold at least more than 4 or 5 or so.

2 years ago

Do you understand that would have been a problem for you?

In the end. If you’ve been mad for that, it’s quite okay. And he must live with it. Even if he doesn’t understand.

2 years ago

It always depends on how the exact context was. But I rarely have a problem with a timely announcement : Now you asked me if I come here and there, we can move ours.

2 years ago

for everyone has planned the evening, is happy and other invitations are not accepted.

2 years ago

Yeah, that basically means “I don’t have a bump on you.”

And to cancel it is basically problematic. Some people also say about others, etc.

2 years ago

Nobody wants to be the third wheel on the car. I think it’s okay

2 years ago

I’m really stupid

2 years ago

I think I’m a little weird. It was planned with you.

I guess I wouldn’t invite him anymore.

2 years ago

Full Street