Freunde vom Drogenkonsum wegkriegen?


meine beste freundin nimmt schon seit einer längeren zeit verschiedene Drogen aber jetzt nimmt sie fast täglich 3cstasy und ich möchte ihr daraus helfen

-eine entzugsklinik ist keine lösung da sie minderjährig ist und nicht möchte das ihr eltern es erfahren

-ich versuche schon mit den Leuten zu sprechen die ihr die Drogen geben und sie davon abzuhalten

-ich möchte morgen darüber zu reden

habt ihr vorschläge wie ich ihr helfen kann und was ich zu ihr sagen kann

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2 years ago

As long as she doesn’t want to do it yourself, you can’t do it… there’s the addiction just too big.

But once she wants it there are some things you can do to help her

2 years ago
Reply to  Iminyourehouse

Show her how beautiful and easy life was without drugs.

Have you been friends for a long time? Then put a lot of time and love in your friendship. Give her a photo album with beautiful memories before the drug era and write a nice text below. Maybe give her another cuddly animal and tell him to watch them as long as you can’t.

Okay, that sounds more like a love film, and you’re not a couple, but you should be able to do it in a close friendship.

Spend a lot of time with her, make simple trips to a lake and talk to her about what she is pressing and about God and the world… often go to eat an ice cream or go to another city on weekends, with the 9€ ticket, that’s not a problem.

Just show her life can be fun without drugs.

Oh, and give her the photo album best after a nice trip, then she will always remember the day and the moment when you gave it to her

2 years ago
Reply to  Fr1o8st7

Thanks for the ⭐

2 years ago

You have to get her out of her present day life, because if she doesn’t change in the day, she’ll fall harder than if she realizes that life can be different

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

That’s a difficult thing you’re getting up there. Maybe this is helpful:

We need to talk‘we-müssen’

Confidential and non-binding advice from professionals, both for you and for them, is available online and by phone. I advise you to contact. Maybe you can do this with her. Look here:

Consultation & Help for Drugs, Substance Use & Searching Risks,

Good luck!

2 years ago

– a withdrawal clinic is not a solution because it is a minor and does not want it to know it

Then expect it to be extremely likely that there will be nothing.

– I’m trying to talk to the people who give them the drugs and stop them from

They will only laugh at you and possibly even threaten you.

What you have to count on in the Worst Case is that your girlfriend will break contact with you when she learns about your project. Unless she’s looking for a way to escape.

2 years ago

She can’t do it without a withdrawal clinic.

With so many drugs, a cold withdrawal in the clinic ends.