Freund taucht bei Instagram nicht in Liste auf?
Hallo 🙂
Ich habe das Problem dass wenn ich einer Freundin bei Instagram ein Reel schicke, diese erst in der Liste suchen muss. Alle anderen denen ich regelmäßig etwas schicke erscheinen sofort in der Liste.
Kann mir da jemand weiterhelfen?
if you haven’t sent him many videos yet, then he will appear below in the list. Try to find his name more often.
otherwise he will slide further up when you send videos regularly
Thanks for the answer!
We send a lot of reels every day, but unfortunately it is the only profile where it doesn’t work.
Even the person I accidentally sent something (same initial letter) appears now, only they do not. :/
That’s funny. I actually have the same problem on tiktok as there is a person not displayed directly.
I think a lot can’t be done