Freund nicht an Drogen verlieren?
Hallo. Ich habe einen Freund der hilfe bei seiner sucht benötigt, aber keine annimmt. Ich habe alles erdenkliche versucht um ihn vom Gegenteil zu überzeugen, aber er nimmt keine hilfe an. Er ist kurz davor sein Leben zu ruinieren und alles zu verlieren. Was für Möglichkeiten hat man als Außenstehender? Ist es möglich, zur Polizei zu gehen, die ihn dann zwangsweise einweist? Jedes Mittel wäre mir recht um ihm zu helfen. Vielen dank
There is a self-help community for members and friends of drug addicts:
You can’t, you can’t do anything so long as he doesn’t see that he needs help.
Even the police can’t force him for drug addiction.
Such people only have to lie in the gosse, then some understand that it is no longer possible and they have to accept help.
Others never get it, no matter how bad they are.
You can’t save your friend. I couldn’t do that with Andrea. She would have taken me, I wouldn’t have stopped with her.
She threw herself in front of the train.
I’m sorry
If he doesn’t want you can’t do anything.
“What possibilities do you have as an outsider?”
Cancel contact and protect yourself.
Forced instruction only goes in the case of foreign danger and acute personal danger, but they cannot force him to escape. If he doesn’t want any help, a stationary stay won’t do anything. Hardly said: In Germany as an adult, one has the right to ruin oneself.
As an outsider, you should pull the tear line if you don’t get any further. You just slip into the abyss. And some addiction patients need the total crash until they wake up.
Go to a search consultancy. But watch yourself!
Do just that lose Him with it becoming aware that He has lost You, only so He will grasp it piece by piece. But you also have to adjust that it can take years to get it. I have more than 2 decades of experience with drugs, and in most cases, you’re not going through to people, you have to do that yourself. There are not few who one day will realize what they sacrifice everything for this crap and find the way back. But I don’t want to lie, some don’t make it, and you can’t do anything at all. It has to click on a self and I am grateful that it happened to me, though quite late. Surely you can try to trigger this impulse somehow, but in most cases this results only in more distance. But yes, you can still try, I don’t say there are no cases where that helped, which certainly did.
I wish you great success and all the good;-)
If drugs are used, of course, you could inform the police, but if that cures him from his addiction…