freund mag kein social media?
mein partner hat kein facebook, kein instagram gar nichts
nur whats app.
er mag kein social media und ist auch absolut kein fan von fotos posten, daher hab ich auch noch nie fotos gepostet wo er drauf war, weder insta noch facebook, obwohl ich das total gerne wollte.
er wollte das aber nie, er findet das unnötig
seit ein paar tagen ist mein insta account auch komplett weg und gelöscht, keine ahnung warum. er ist auf einmal so als hätte es ihn nie gegeben. komplett weg
nun hab ich seit wochenende einen neuen account und hab da bisher nur ein bild und zwar von mir
und ich würde soo gern als zweites bild eines mit meinem freund posten aber ich weiß nicht welches argument ich ihm noch nennen soll
er mag das einfach nicht und er selbst hatte insta nur um fußball und faustball so dinge zu kucken aber hat keine bilder und keine beiträge drin und benutzt den account nicht. er meint ich soll das nutzen dass mein insta gelöscht wurde um auch davon weg zu kommen
mit welchen argumenten kann ich kommen um fotos von uns beiden posten zu können?
findet ihr es nicht komisch dass er noch nie auch nur ein einziges bild auf insta gepostet hat und dass ich noch nie ein bild von uns beiden gepostet hab weil er das nicht will? andere posten doch auch so süße couplepics..
Honestly, I think that’s all but weird… Too many people spread their entire life on social media, just to be seen. Find there is relatively little person inside. For the majority of people, social media is really just good to stay on ANDEREN, whether it’s justin beeber, the work colleague or the ex-boyfriend. See and be seen, nothing else is most. So I understand that you’ll find that strange if someone keeps away from it, anyway you want to be seen with your friend.
Personally, I think it is good that your friend does not want to be interested in this and also absolutely legitimate that he does not want to be represented on instagram ore if he himself does not want to belong to the “seen or seeing”.
Of course, one of the much active in the social media network is strange when someone, in today’s time, where social media is viewed completely normal, has no interest in this. But that can be good? Your friend will want to deal with real life and save his screen time on the phone – is good:) Be glad he doesn’t profile on the internet!
Understand that you want to share your happiness but let one be told, not everyone needs to know everything and all the less people know that you are happy – the longer you will be happy!
Best regards:)
may not send any photos and offer them. As long as you have no personal contact it is not necessary and if you meet this I see you and can also exchange pictures
No I don’t think that’s funny, but a very good attitude from him. I have no social media, just WhatsApp. I’m fine without that. I find the word socially very misleading, it does not make social but alienated. For example, correct contacts in real life are often neglected or kept short because all are online. I wouldn’t put private pictures of myself and my partner on the Internet.
I don’t think I’m funny. There are simply people who can start nix with social media.
I think sweet couplepics nervig and pure. Many couples put such photos online and zack are separated.
If I find your friend very reasonable and obviously he is much smarter than you…
People who do not suffer so much from profiling addiction will definitely come across much more sympathetic…
The fact that you want to convince him that you are allowed to publish a common photo on Insta speaks volumes. Honestly, I’m wondering he’s been holding it for eight months with you…
If you don’t change your mind soon, you will soon be allowed to call him ex-boyfriend …
Not at all.
Honestly, accept his opinion and don’t post any photos of him. Just respect his desire!
You’d expect that, wouldn’t you? So he respects your wishes.
There are many who have no Instagramm and Facebook. You don’t have to.
If he doesn’t want you to put pictures of him on the Internet, then respect that. He has the right not to want it. You can’t force him anyway, and I can understand why he doesn’t want to. So leave him alone with this topic and accept that he doesn’t want it.
It’s not funny at all, it’s very reasonable. You don’t always have to wear everything out, anyway is much better to enjoy it for yourself.
Oh, man… if I read that….
Others…. others also have a life without this whole Gedöns…. others have to say the mum what they think… others are not dependent on the opinion of Much….
I’m old, have another Facebook account…. what do you think would happen if I uploaded pictures of my family or my husband?
Just let it… just accept that your friend doesn’t want to see and have pictures of himself on the Internet…. and, of course, you see that as well… because pictures on the net never disappear completely….
No pictures of her. The emphasis is on these last two wrinkles. It’s comprehensible…
A HOCH on your friend. Very reasonable that he does not like Facebook, Instagram & Co.
You should tolerate this and also live more in true life than on such self-representation profiles.
If he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t like it. Get him full. Because of the image post, just ask him normal and if he doesn’t want to respect it. You are also a great couple without a picture on the Internet.
Respect his mind. I find honestly even really strong of him that he doesn’t do. His life is definitely more relaxed
from a certain age I find it just crings. I can understand him well. he does not want to appear public even if your profile is only visible to friends.
No, Your Behavior is rather funny because you obviously cannot live without social media.
But your friend is not one of the “others” and I find it admirable.
Leave him alone, otherwise this is your ex-boyfriend soon.
Just leave it, it’s nothing funny at all if someone doesn’t want to publish his pictures on the internet.
It’s better sometimes.
I understand him. He doesn’t want to be seen with you. Be it on pictures or in real life. What is this about?🤔
You get the star for the most helpful answer. I’ll fight him.
Well, he’s got Instagram, he’s got some pictures with you.
Magnificently, if you are blocked, you can write everything 🙂
If he doesn’t want pictures, you have to accept that.
You said you were chopped… Well not everyone likes social media, I understand it net, I love XDDD
I find it nice that then I have to tell people everything, because they can watch my stories and stuff.
If I hadn’t a boyfriend, there would be pictures of us, otherwise nobody would believe
Well, I have to agree with him.
Why should private images and stories be placed in public?
I don’t see any sense in it.
I like this guy.
I’d be ready for a photo, you can use it. Why do you need the Griesgram? You got me.
Lg yours u
Do you know what the most social media is? Talking face to face!
There are people who don’t need a digital world to spread their lives there. Don’t let him do that.