ich hatte vor einer Woche wahrscheinlich einen Frenulum-Riss.
Seitdem es passiert ist hat es ein Tag danach nicht mehr geblutet und verheilt gut von alleine. Ich habe nur ein leichtes Ziehen, dass kann man allerdings nicht „schmerzen“ nennen. Kann ich es so weiterlaufen lassen?
This can be done so. In any case, even if there were still any treatments (creme or ointment, etc.), there is a risk that the wound is so scary that the Frenulum tends to be shorter. What makes repeated tearing more probable.
I actually don’t have any pain and realize that I can show the foreskin up and down again quite normally, even quickly.
as I said, everything looks normal again… if pain happens again at some point, then I should go to the doctor…
That was the best thing that could happen to you. You just have to make sure that the Frenulum does not grow together again. Because otherwise the wound tears again at every load. Without Frenulum you can masturbate optimally.