Fremden Menschen Geld geben?
im größeren städten fragen ja oft menschen ob du ihnen ein bisschen geld geben kannst weil sie selbst gar nichts haben…
ich war letzten an einem hbf und da war eine frau mit ihrem baby und hat ständing menschen nach geld gefragt weil sie selbst nichts mehr hat, ich war mir da halt total unsicher ob ich ihr geld geben soll weil ich nicht wusste ob sie andere nur abzieht oder ob sie wirklich geld braucht
ich hab ihr dann ein bisschen was gekauft wofür sie aber auch sehr dankbar war
gebt ihr solchen menschen immer etwas geld auch wenn ihr nicht die wahrheit wisst oder ignoriert ihr es einfach?
und findet ihr es richtig das ich ihr geholfen hab? bin halt 15 und hab nicht so krass viel geld
First of all, it’s just great that you do such thoughts at your age.
Much more important than money is for such people that they are encountered at eye level. It does not look at it with shaking eyes and/or makes corresponding sayings.
You’ve done it completely right that you didn’t give the woman any money, but something to eat. This for the following reasons. Such women are usually “abused”. This means that clients know that women with babies are given more money than men or women without children. Such women usually have to pay the money and get almost nothing of it. It is usually groups that beg together.
If people otherwise ask for money, unfortunately they usually convert the money into alcoholic beverages or other drugs. I usually don’t give them money because I don’t want to support their addiction. That’s why I usually give them something to eat.
I usually don’t give beggars any money because I don’t want to promote this business model. I would rather give my money to collecs who benefit in part such purposes as the station mission, the midnight bus and other institutions that care for poor and homeless people.
I also have a permanent order for a monthly donation to a children’s home for decades.
To the beggars who claim to be hungry, I offer something to eat, for example a part of my proviant bread. A beggar who claimed to be hungry, gave a whole pound of grapes on the grounds that he was diabetics. But he didn’t want a paprika hat either. Then there are those who are suddenly vegetarians, Muslims, lactoseintolerant or celiac patients.
You wanted to do something good, and this is honorable and respectable. But most of the time, it serves primarily to calm your conscience. Giving money is something you can do easily and quickly without getting into the recipient.
What I don’t like is that a beggar has to humiliate all day long. This does not correspond to my feeling for human dignity.
I never give such people money, only in kind. I mean, I’d buy them something to eat, a ticket, etc.
Then you can see whether these really needed money for it and are grateful or whether the statements were just an excuse to finance something else, for example alcohol or drugs.
Basically, I don’t give money to other people. At least not the typical beggars or these quite impressive people.
From time to time there are people who appeal to a sympathetic one has a short conversation. Then I don’t have a problem to give a few euros.
Yeah, I’m gonna give you some bought. If a dog has dog food, Tasterlis,ect. I’m buying something to eat. Money rarely the most, not all, buy from it alk or drugs.
You can donate the money better to the station mission or the like. Then the purpose is safely regulated and there is no risk of it being spent on drugs.
I don’t give money if it’s aggressive begging.
by the way, this is prohibited
I sometimes give money when it comes to beglerb that is not annoying.
Women with babies are mostly Eastern European beggar bands. But then you look at the look – I never give them anything. They later climb into a fat Mercedes and laugh at one.
I’m looking at people and if there’s a nice question, “you have 1 or 2 euros for me,” I’ll give that.
I’ll take a look. Some I give, some not
The cruel musicians in the subway never did anything. In the railway stations
I don’t give anything in general.
Before many hunts, I bought a beggar at the gas station. He didn’t want to, and he asked me for money. I haven’t given anything since.
In principle, I do not give foreign people any money, for the following reasons:
This is of course an objection xd
If a woman is standing there with a child, she usually belongs to a clan that sends her sort. With child, she awakens more pity than without. I don’t give anything.
No, there is enough work and social benefits in Germany.