Fremde parken auf meinem Grundstück. Was tun?
Ich wohne neben ne Shisha Bar und leider kommt es vor das Fremde also Besucher von dem Bar bei mir Parken. Ich habe schon öfters denen Bescheid gegeben das die denen sagen sollen das es ein Privat Grundstück ist aber nein immer noch parken die weiterhin. Obwohl die Bar eine eigene Parkplatzt hat parken die trotzdem egal ob es voll oder leer bei den Parkplätzen sind. Was soll ich machen das die nicht mehr Parken sollen? Habt ihr Tipps oder gibt es solche Auto Fallen?
Buy yourself a planner and get in and out regularly. (PS: a large turret does not care if there is a car).
Make a gate with the sign that from (time) will be locked and that will open 50€, between (time) and 6am in the morning.
Take it easy.
Put stones down.
Can you choose something? (PS: You are responsible for possible legal consequences.)
The “PS” is the most important in your answer.
It only helps to lock.
If you can’t lock the parking lot, you’ll have to tell the wrong parkers that they park wrong.
We had a similar problem with our garage entrance. Once I had the problem that I had to leave urgently and couldn’t get out, I started jamming notes under the wipers. Something à la “You park in a property access. Free parking is available opposite or behind the house.” That worked.
The simplest solution is to lock the property.
Because it is a property disorder, you can also go to a lawyer.
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2013 of 13 December 2013 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1180/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p.
Sell parking tickets. Or put on parking watches, which can still be bought cheaply used.
Get a shut-off poppet with lock.
Do not taste the world and effectively.
Folding polish before and ready.
I’d be thirsty and I’d put an inconspicuous nail board on my private parking.
Set up a shield, forbidden for parking and whoever acts the opponent is towed. And then go through it. If you let someone take a couple of times, it’ll talk.
The costs are first paid by the client.
I didn’t know!
Really? I didn’t know. Then shut up…
But do you have to stretch it out and then get it back from the hurricane. It is easier and cheaper to block the access option.
your parking space, build a castle before it and you have peace
Find such a tow company Unternehmen-Immer-Aerger-mit-Blitz-Abschleppdienst-id56605526.html
Can’t you lock your parking lot?
Lock and sign with pollen or chain.