Fremde Nummer schreibt mir: ,,Ist alles in Ordnung?”, Wtf?
Gerade habe ich gesehen, dass eine fremde Nummer mich angeschrieben hat. Sie hat geschrieben: ,Ist alles in Ordnung?” Ich bin dann auf den Chat gegangen und unter der Nummer stand Unternehmenskonto. Was ist das und woher haben die meine Nummer und schreiben mir sowas?!?
Hopefully you’re familiar with the concept of “choose”, aren’t you?
Furthermore, all telephone number areas are known and limited. You can try them all if you want.
Simple rule: Do not react if you don’t know people. Could be just a PING from a scam.
Business accounts at Whatsapp are usually any advertising or subscription. You do not use a business account for private contacts if you have normal intentions!
Can be at most that someone who previously used a private account created a corporate account because the Whatsapp updates often do not work from the normal accounts!
ka if you didn’t give your number like people, it’s very likely it’s spam. So rather not answer because then the number exists and stuff.
Just stop his number so he can’t write again. Next time he’s supposed to write the name below. Easy to lock and ignore
Just don’t worry, it can be a scam and block the person.
Ask the person who she is.
So you can’t react.
Thank you.