Freiwilliges soziales Jahr?


Mir stellen sich 2 fragen bezüglich eines fsj.oder eher 3 . Kann man ein FSj. “jederzeit “anfangen oder nur zu bestimmen Monaten . Kann man ein FSj theoretisch an jeder Schule machen( will eventuell eins an einer IGS machen ) also einfach Mal fragen oder nur an solchen die bereits anzeigen im Internet oder in Zeitung herausgegeben haben . Und drittens werden fsjs überall bezahlt (Taschengeld)und erfüllt jedes FSJ die Bedingungen für Kindergeld für die Eltern auch wenn man schon über 18 ist ?


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1 year ago

There are FSJ jobs that you can start every month. For example, a friend started her FSJ in the middle of October. If you want to do an FSJ at a school, it is often the case that you have to start school. I did my FSJ at a primary school and had to start at school.

You can ask at any school, but not every school has an interest in an FSJler.

With an FSJ you always get pocket money, but different sizes depending on the carrier. My girlfriend made her FSJ at the IB carrier, so at the international covenant and got 450€ a month. I was at the KJR (circular youth ring) and got 350€ a month.

And yes, with an FSJ you always receive child allowance if you are under 25.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ukldugl

It should actually be 39 hours, so it was at least in my contract, but since I was allowed to go more often earlier, I usually had about 34 hours a week.