Voluntary military service – just an office job?

Hello, I have a general question. I'm 19 years old now and will be graduating from high school this year. I've already completed my recruitment process with the Bundeswehr and will begin basic training in August 2023, then join the mountain infantry. I've committed to a 15-month commitment.

Full of anticipation, I searched the internet for tips etc. and it came up more and more often that many FWDlers get jobs that nobody wants to do because there is a demand for them in the main units. Personally, I wanted to do the FWDl because I wanted to get a taste of the Bundeswehr and set myself new challenges. Of course I understand that there are different jobs within the main unit etc. but I'm reluctant to commit to 15 months and then sit in an office with the mountain infantry for 12 months after basic training and experience nothing. I want to get out and learn new things and not spend 7 hours commuting between home and the barracks sitting at a computer 24/7 – I can do that at any other company.

I hope you understand my concern and have answers that can help ease my fears. 🙂

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1 year ago

FWDler bekommen kaum Dienstposten in Büros. Die Aufgaben, die man im Personalgeschäft hat, sind wichtiger, als dass man dort irgend einen Soldaten hinsetzen kann, der kaum angelernt ist und wieder abhaut.

In 15 Monaten FWD wirst du genau das tun, was deine Kameraden in deiner Einheit auch tun. Wäre ja sonst zu schön, wenn du dein Geld leichter verdienst als alle anderen.

1 year ago

dass viele FWDler die Jobs bekommen die keiner machen möchte

Was denkst du denn? Ein FWDler ist nichts anderes als ein Hilfs- und Zuarbeiter. Wenn du etwas erleben möchtest, dann werde SaZ.