Freiwillige Zulassung?
Hey Leute ich möchte mein Roller Freiwillig versichern also großes Kennzeichen, aber wie funktioniert das? Liebe Grüße Nicole
Hey Leute ich möchte mein Roller Freiwillig versichern also großes Kennzeichen, aber wie funktioniert das? Liebe Grüße Nicole
Ich möchte den A1 Führerschein machen und mir ein Bike holen, aber meine Eltern meinten, dass Bikes zu teuer wären. Wäre es möglich den A1 Führerschein zu machen und dann einen Roller zu fahren? Und dürfte ich dann schneller fahren oder hätte ich irgendwelche Vorteile?
Hallo ich wollte nachfragen, da ich einen 102ccm Zylinder drinnen habe rüste ich nun auf einen 21er Vergaser auf und weiß nicht was für ein neuen Ansaugstzutzen brauche? Da der originale sicher zu klein dafür sein wird. Da es ja Ansaugstzutzen für 19er Vergaser gibt und für 24er, ich weiß aber nicht welcher für 21er…
Hallo Ich war die letzte Woche im Urlaub und habe mein mofa dementsprechend von Montag bis Freitag nicht genutzt. Heute wollte ich kurz in die Stadt fahren aber es ist nicht angesprungen. (Keeway ry 6 {25}). Kann mir jemand sagen was ich jetzt noch ausprobieren/machen soll damit es wieder läuft?
Ich fahre einen ca. 20 Jahre alten Pepe Benelli 50ccm Roller. Er zieht nicht, bleibt stehen und plötzlich fährt er abrupt los. Aus dem Auspuff knallt dann weißer Rauch. Ich habe den Vergaser reinigen lassen, einen neuen Auspuff dranmachen lassen, einen neuen Gaszug, neue Steuerung+Zündkerze und Zündkabel. Ich bin langsam echt ratlos. Kann mir jemand einen Tip…
Wir suchen einen Escooter bis knapp 500€ mit dem besten Preis Leistungsverhältnis. Die die mir ins Auge gefallen sind, sind der Xiaomi 1s und Ninebot D38D. Mit welchen Scootern habt ihr gute Erfahrungen (wenig Reparaturen, Zuverlässigkeit, Reichweite etc.)? Was findet ihr Preis-leistungs-technisch am besten?
You need an EVB number from your insurance first. Since this is an absolute special case, you may not know or understand what you want at all and tell you that for a 50s you would only get the usual one-year contracts with insurance licenses. Don’t let it blow.
When asked about the HSN and TSN, you usually get it from this list: Numbers/TypeBleaf Numbers_node.html
The number in the last column is, by the way, the number of officially approved vehicles – at 50s you will see mostly single-digit numbers here.
If you have received the EVB, you will go to the Approval Centre with the permission to enter an endless discussion. Please print out §3 Abs 3 FZV if you want to tell you that your project is not going.
If the specialist remains stubborn from ignorance, you ask to speak to the head of the admission office in the hope that he had to deal with the subject before. If this does not help, you make the request in writing, then the authority must also justify in writing why it rejects it, in doing so it will deal with the legal situation and thus inevitably find that the process is possible. On this way, I was able to help someone here for admission the other day, and they finally gave them small.
Partially, the statement that the vehicle needs a valid HU if it is to get an official license plate. This is, of course, wrong, even a voluntary vehicle remains free of authorisation, there is no authorisationObligation. Therefore, the indication “voluntary admission, HU-Pflicht dispenses with” appears later.
So I can speak from experience…
For voluntary admission, you need the following:
1. eVB number of an insurer such as VGH ect.
Two. ID
3. Application pursuant to §3 para. 3 FZV
4. HSN / TSN (as migebuff has linked)
Five. Photo of the moped and the label (optional night photo for illumination of the license plate)
5 : It may be that they wish to have a certificate from the TÜV which is possible according to illumination.
6. The best example of a voluntary admission as a picture is that you can also find Google (simply search Google for “voluntary admission moped” and print the picture of vehicle registration as a license plate).
7. Sufficient money for admission and, if necessary, identification mark (I have calculated 150€, but was cheap with about 65 admission and 14€ license plate on the internet)
8. Sufficient money on the insurance account, mine costs for example 75€, but that varies from insurer to insurer.
Now the order :
1. First, check out an insurance policy that agrees with an insurance policy, you need Perso, current paper from the scooter/moped.
It would be best to have a KBA certificate from the German Federal Motor Vehicle Agency, which you can use very well during your admission.
Two. Then at the TÜV make a decrease that fits the label on the scooter, in this case it would be a single take.
With this certificate you also have a proof that the scooter is allowed to carry this license plate, can or must…
3. Then bring up the list 1 to 8 if you have reserved a license plate, if necessary leave it to print until you enter a size.
The registration office often also has a signmaker directly in the immediate vicinity, where you can then print the license plate.
Note : Consider that you only get an appointment online at some admission points, so see if you can make an appointment online.
If there are any questions, you can ask me.
I’ve got the game behind me, I even got two pictures, so you can see it….
The GZ 5 was my old license plate (maybe attached to it because of illumination), which one can see that the TÜV plate is missing.
The second license plate O 880 is my new one, it’s re-registered because I liked the license plate. 😅👍
Request full acceptance at the Tüv .
For full acceptance?🙈
To admit the car?
Thanks – again learned something.. and that with 62..
You have a “real” insurance, so it affects the harmless years. In addition, one saves the annual change of the mark and can theoretically also take a seasonal mark. The contribution is then lower again than with the small signs.
What is the meaning of a large number plate at the Mofa o ä?
A voluntary admission has nothing to do with speed, it is only about getting an official license plate and a permanent insurance. This also goes with a 25km/h mode.
The operating permit shows only a maximum of 45kmh. It takes a full take for faster.
For a voluntary authorisation, he does not need it if he already has an operating permit.