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1 year ago

Yes, if you apply for the voluntary Wehrdienst (FWD) at the Bundeswehr, you also have to go through a selection procedure. This selection procedure usually consists of several parts:

  1. Consultation: There is usually an informing consultation with your career advice from the Bundeswehr.
  2. Medical examination: A medical examination is carried out to ensure that you are health-friendly for the service at the Bundeswehr.
  3. Sport test: Depending on the intended use, a sport test can also be carried out to prove your physical fitness. This must be done in many careers. However, he is exposed to FWDL.
  4. Suitability test: A computer-assisted test can be carried out in which various areas are tested, including general knowledge, mathematical skills and logical thinking. However, this is currently exposed to FWDL.
  5. Interview: There is also a personal conversation in which, among other things, the motivation for the service in the Bundeswehr is clarified.

The exact scope of the selection procedure may vary depending on the intended career and activity. It is advisable to prepare well for the tests and the conversation in advance and to provide comprehensive information on voluntary military service and the Bundeswehr. You like to military service adjustment test/ check out.

Many greetings and great success,
Your TestHelden team. 🚀

1 year ago
Reply to  TestHelden

No CAT in the FWDL

1 year ago

Applicants for the FWD must also go through a selection procedure. A medical examination and a personal conversation must be carried out here. Read more in the link

1 year ago

Hello Luiso649,

You also have to go through a selection procedure with the volunteer service. Although it is not as difficult as in the usual selection procedure, it is not to be underestimated.

Here, too, you have to go through an attitude test, an interview and a medical examination.

You can find an extensive report here: adjustment test/

This describes exactly how the entire selection process is built up.

1 year ago

Quite normal pattern. If you are not “loved” or physically restricted, that should not be a problem.

1 year ago

You also have to go to the health check and fitness test