Freier Speicher bei neuem MacBook (256 GB) nach Einrichtung?
Wie viel freien Speicher hat man auf einem neuen MacBook mit 256 GB (M2 oder M3), wenn das Gerät frisch eingerichtet ist und noch keine zusätzlichen Programme oder Daten installiert sind? Wie viel Speicher verbraucht das vorinstallierte macOS und die mitgelieferten Programme ungefähr?
I have an M1 MacBook Air with 256GB SSD. I don’t have exact data, but I can determine where it should be. I have currently installed the MacOS 15 Beta so it counts.
MacOS is 24.36 GB in size according to settings. Installed software should not change this information.
The /System/Applications folder, where the pre-installed apps are located, is about 570 MB. It seems that there are still app data that are not there. Maybe then it’s more direction approx. 1.5 GB.
Since I deleted some pre-installed apps such as Pages or Numbers, it might be even higher. You are also free to delete these apps.
If I look at the remaining points from my memory utilities and see where they would have to lie, there is not much to do.
The memory usage right after delivery should be 26 GB. Since a total of 245 GB are available, about 219 GB are free.
macOS needs about 20GB. I suspect that all pre-installed programmes belong to this. How much your programs need, we can’t know.
But much more important is the amount of data stored: photos, videos, music, texts, etc. These are 170GB.
I definitely find 256GB too little SSD to work reasonably.
I think it’s also little but I’ll see if I don’t have much GB free I just buy an external SSD