Hi, hätte da mal ne Frage, also ich habe nächste Woche nen Termin bei der Frauenärztin und möchte dabei auch untersucht werden, hormone usw, doch in der Woche bekomme ich meine Tage… Würde sie mich trotzdem kontrollieren oder net wegen dem Blut usw..?
It doesn’t matter with blood. Certainly, it is not because the blood is too disgusting for them. I think she’s just wearing gloves.
Hopefully he always wears gloves
I think so.
Depending on which hormones are to be tested, this must be done at a certain time in the cycle. You can talk to the doctor. Basically, it doesn’t matter if you have your period at Gyn. Simply divorce on the spot of the doctor
Don’t think that’s a point. That’s what you’re going to be a doctor. He could tell you if it’s possible or better later
Hormones are investigated in a blood test with syringe from the arm.
Did I know, but anyway, did they let me jt examine for the blood? I also want to control other things, the hormonal were a stupid example but only one example