Frauenarztbesuch Abstrich?

Mir wäre es sehr unangenehm wenn Jungs/Männer diese Frage lesen (vor allem weil mir männliche Geschöpfe wahrscheinlich eh nicht weiterhelfen können)

Ich hab morgen meinen nächsten Frauenarzttermin aber das wird der erste Termin mit Abstrich… Und ich bin halt mega schmerzempfindlich und hatte auch noch nie was in mir drin, keine Tampons, keine Toys, keinen Finger, nichts.

Wird es schmerzhaft oder unangenehm sein? Wie hat sich euer erster Abstrich angefühlt? Und vielleicht auch noch ob der Arzt weit rein geht oder nur so “am Rande” einen Abstrich nimmt

Ich danke jeder ernsten Antwort

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1 year ago

I usually hardly notice the smear. If anything, it’s a short “cooking”.

Something unpleasant (but not painful) I find the speculum.

But the whole thing goes fast. I had a total shot at the first smear and was surprised when my female doctor said “that was.”

But don’t worry about your FA.

I’ve never been bleeding.

1 year ago

It’s just uncomfortable with me. I don’t think so. What annoys me is that it is long after bleeding (pack security-half ne slip insert into your underpants – many fa have these too, but I don’t want to leave on it). How far my fa goes in, I don’t know. But always look away, as I have tendencies to flip over blood. Otherwise, talk to your doctor and tell him the problem. So he can also take the right tool to not hurt you.

1 year ago
Reply to  ACNLLisa

Is weak in some, in some cases stronger. I’ve heard that some people don’t even bleed. But caution is better in this case.

1 year ago
Reply to  Missy274

Hello, what are you talking about? In a routine examination, nothing should bleed or bleed!

1 year ago
Reply to  Enja777

I’m bleeding every smash.

1 year ago

Oh, I’d ask the doctor. A smear is a smashing of the mucous membrane, with a med. cotton swab. There is nothing that could cause bleeding.

1 year ago

I never found it very bad, but some doctors are pretty rough. And yes, I’m more sensitive to pain.

Take an ibuprofen beforehand.

1 year ago

You hardly notice the smear and it’s not painful either. So don’t worry

Just tell the doctor that you are a virgin and then she will be more careful

1 year ago

It’s a bit unpleasant, but it’s not painful for my feeling and it’s already over in a few seconds. Tell your doctor that you are very sensitive to pain and are a little afraid of the smear. Then he will certainly proceed accordingly.

In the PAP test, it is also spread inside, but it is more painful than in the front area – at least my experience. In other smears (e.g. test on vaginal mushroom), it seems to be sufficient further ahead.

By the way, I’ve never bleeded anything before after a doctor’s appointment.

1 year ago

Sorry, I’m not a guy. I can’t do anything for you.

The doctor is subject to an obligation to inform his patients.

So you can tell the doctor honestly that you are afraid of possible pain and whether he can tell you (in advance and also in the actual treatment) what he is doing.

1 year ago

Don’t worry about anything anonymous…