Frauenarzt hat mich gebeten nicht mehr zu kommen, darf er das?

Weil ich mich immer anstelle weils mir unangenehm ist bei einem Mann. Der hat mich raus geworfen und gesagt ich soll nicht mehr kommen

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2 years ago

Yes, he can – he must treat you only in the case of urgent need, but not, for example, in the context of precaution; and if you are so awesome, you would be a favor if you were looking for another doctor, no, a doctor.

2 years ago

If you’re uncomfortable with a man, go to a woman, where’s the problem?

That annoys him and he asks you to go and look for another doctor I find comprehensible and that he may also if there is no emergency or for other reasons it is not possible to change the doctor

2 years ago

You don’t want to be a man where exactly is the problem now? Yes Doctors may refuse patients as long as they are not an emergency.

2 years ago

You must’ve gotten his nerves.

Doctors are very hard-wearing, so until one patient asks not to come into practice anymore, you have to offer a lot and repeatedly what.

And yes, he can. He finally has the right to house.

2 years ago

He’s right! Why do you go to a doctor if you don’t want to let this examine properly?

He also has his honor and he has house law.

2 years ago

Of course. He has home law and there is no acute danger of life in your visits, so there is no need for treatment.

And if he can’t do his job because you’re preventing him, it doesn’t make any sense for both of you. It is extremely difficult to get a place with a female doctor, there are dozens of other women who have no problem with his sex and don’t take him any treatment time and nerves.

I don’t understand why you’re upset when you don’t deal with him as a doctor.

2 years ago

If you don’t want to be a man anyway, what’s good right, I understand the excitement less.

And yes, a doctor may refuse you as a patient. That’s his right. He just needs to be treated in emergencies.

2 years ago

I’d be looking for someone else where you feel safer.

2 years ago

What do you think would be a better solution?

  • You obviously can’t go with him because man
  • Relationship of patient / doctor cannot be trusted

Depending on how you perform there, he certainly does not consider it useful to treat you further. You don’t let it happen either.

A lot has to happen before being “removed” from practice.

Not only you have rights.

There are women doctorsinside. Find one and the problem would be solved.

2 years ago

if there is no need. Otherwise, he can also reject you because of inappropriate behavior. don’t understand where your problem is, if you don’t feel comfortable with a man – look for a woman.

that the doctor has no jack on your neck is understandable…

2 years ago

Nothing happens without reason. Either you are too much actor’s child or he lacks empathy for such patients as you.

Both reasons to change the doctor and to select a doctor.

2 years ago

That’s his right. Look for a female doctor if you’re a male uncle doctor.

2 years ago

A doctor is not obliged to treat any still so unpleasant contemporaries.

2 years ago

Yeah, he can.

2 years ago

If a man is uncomfortable, go to a gynecologist.

2 years ago

But this is unprofessional behavior. Actually, you should also listen to the female doctor to get a better picture.

2 years ago
Reply to  LeBonyt

I can’t find it that unprofessional. If he can barely examine her because she refuses him as a doctor, he’s hardly left anything else.

2 years ago
Reply to  Loka95

That’s right. But why did it have to come so far?

2 years ago

Yeah, it’s a little weird. Apparently, the questioner has not been able to choose her doctor. Instead, for example, a transfer to a female doctor could have been issued.

2 years ago

Because she didn’t come to the idea of looking for a male doctor…

2 years ago

Yes, he can

2 years ago

I’m not sure he can!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Tommy731

The most helpful answer so far.

2 years ago

May he.

The doctor just wants to do his job if you don’t cooperate is your bad luck.

If you’re uncomfortable with a man, why don’t you find a doctor?

2 years ago

Yes, of course he can. If you’re not sleeping with an emergency, he’s not obliged to have you as a patient.

Why do you even go to a man if you have problems with it?

2 years ago

Sure he can.

What else does the poor want to do if you seem to only perform yourself in his presence?😅

Sometimes people have to be forced to their own happiness.

2 years ago

Yeah, he can.

2 years ago

If you don’t come to this solution alone, it’s his medical duty to help you. Clear words are a good idea.

2 years ago

Yeah, he can do that.

2 years ago

Of course he can. You’re not an emergency.

2 years ago

I don’t understand.

Why don’t you go to a doctor if it’s so unpleasant for you to be examined by a man?

The change to a female doctor is obvious!

2 years ago

Yeah. A female doctor can also choose who he treats.

You’re not an emergency.

2 years ago

That’s all right.

Then look for a doctor.

2 years ago

If you’re not an emergency, he can ask you to look for another gynecologist. I’d have done that in your place anyway if you felt uncomfortable with him.

2 years ago

What an A*. Doctors can’t throw you out. There are also 100 reasons why someone is shy. You should be able to do that as a female doctor.

2 years ago
Reply to  TsukiWriter

and whether he can!

2 years ago
Reply to  horribiledictu

Of course, doctors can. And if the woman, in German, doesn’t break her legs, he can’t examine her or treat her. What is she doing?

2 years ago
Reply to  TsukiWriter

Of course he can. If every patient would do that, he wouldn’t come anywhere. He has to do his job and he can’t do it.

2 years ago
Reply to  TsukiWriter

You should be able to do that as a female doctor.

A woman should also be able to stop her doctor being a man. After all, she picked him up and not vice versa.

2 years ago
Reply to  TsukiWriter

Not correct.

If it’s not an emergency, he’s got the right not to want to continue.

And even because he’s a female doctor, he doesn’t have to do a patient who’s only performing and can only be examined with difficulty.

2 years ago
Reply to  TsukiWriter

Doctors can’t throw you out.

What do you think? Of course, doctors can.

2 years ago
Reply to  TsukiWriter

I’ll write this to all of you.

Of course, if a patient is completely obsessed, you can throw him out. But not just because someone costs more time than you would like.

What are you supposed to do traumatized people who need to be a female doctor? If every doctor throws her out, what should you do? No wonder that so many women don’t go there at all.

It’s a very intimate area, and it’s not easy for everyone to let someone get there. If you become a female doctor, you have to adjust. Patients can also need an overcoming time. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Others won’t be thrown out because they’re tipping out of fear when taking blood, or getting a panic attack or anything else.

2 years ago
Reply to  TsukiWriter

No female doctor throws a patient out because she flips over because of the blood loss. They have to deal with such laps a day. And that doesn’t make the female doctor himself anyway. So the patient has to be pretty busy and that every time. Tell her, too. YOU chose IHN. If you don’t fit a man, she could have changed after the first visit.

2 years ago
Reply to  TsukiWriter

She’s dressed up for his sex – but SIE chose who she goes. And if she were just a little hesitant, you wouldn’t throw them out. He must be able to examine them – it is not possible, he cannot force them. If she has so massive problems with this one man has examined her (NOT has problems with the treatment itself), it is reasonable that she should go to a female doctor.

2 years ago
Reply to  TsukiWriter

Others won’t be thrown out because they’re tipping out of fear when taking blood, or getting a panic attack or anything else.

That’s it. There has to be some evidence that the doctor is taking such a remedy.

TiPP: There are female doctors.

2 years ago

Because I’m always in place

It has to admit that it turns on itself and not just hesitates. And IMMER, not only the first or the second time.

because I’m uncomfortable with a man.

What is he doing? Changing his sex for the patient is bad. He can try to enter them, but for that it must be the harmony and not everyone has a talent for it. To do this, it is a matter of ONLY to take time to calm them down, but IMMER is just unnecessary waste of time and robs nerves.

If she was afraid of the treatment, he could probably have patience for it. But since only his sex is the problem, it makes a lot more sense to save them both this interpretation. She wouldn’t have any problems with a woman.

2 years ago

You shouldn’t judge without knowing everything. From when something is still normal, and from when unnecessarily, you can only see that when you are there. Setting blind on one side is wrong. From me as well as from you.

2 years ago

It’s common with the female doctor, so it doesn’t matter.

If you are so stupid and clashing, after several visits, the FA still has the right to refuse treatment to it.

2 years ago

“And if she were just a little hesitant, you wouldn’t throw them out.”

That’s it. This is a common sense. But we do not know how hesitant she was now. Maybe the doctor threw them out very quickly.

2 years ago

No, I’m talking about the doctor in the blood collection.

But we don’t KNOW exactly how it happened! The doctor can equally well be ill-patient.