
Guten Tag! Meine Betreuung hat einen Termin beim Frauenarzt für mich gemacht mit Untersuchung (ich bin noch Jungfrau) meine Mutter meinte weil ich Jungfrau bin darf ich unten rum nicht untersucht werden weil es sonnst ein Eingriff wäre und ich das selbst noch nicht möchte. Es wäre gut wenn Frauen die Erfahrung haben mir darauf antworten könnten (ich bin 16) und ja danke für alle antworten ich wünsche euch noch einen schönen Tag!

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10 months ago

Hi dear Sophie 🙂

The first visit to the female doctor is always an exciting experience, I also know this from my first visit to the female doctor at that time. It’s never easy if you have to take off for the first time in front of a strange person and then you’re still studying it. It is the normal job of a doctor who sees various naked people every day and doesn’t think about it, but as a patient you still have a natural shame in such a situation. Especially in the first examination, there is a bit of overcoming that a foreign doctor should be released at the bottom. But you’ll see if you’re going to have the first investigation behind you, then next time it’ll be a little easier and more relaxed for you. It is important that you trust the doctor and feel comfortable with him. The second time you’ll be much less excited.

Many female physicians often do not carry out gynecological examinations during the first visit. In most cases there is only a conversation with the doctor or doctor. It will also explain to you how a subsequent gynecological examination will take place and what the doctor is doing. There is also a short ultrasound about the abdominal ceiling, but this is always a bit different from doctor to doctor.

Your female doctor will ask you questions about your period, so when you first had it, whether it comes regularly, you have complaints or pain. In addition, of course, you or your family are also experiencing illnesses like allergies and operations. Of course, it is also possible that your doctor will ask you if you had sexual intercourse before. Of course, you can also use the opportunity to ask the doctor himself questions that have been interested in you for a long time or go through your head.

If you should still be offered an examination on the gynecological chair, you can and must decide on your own whether you want it now or only the next time, simply:-)

I hope I could help you a bit and wish you all the best! If you have any questions or need help, you can send me a friend request at any time and send me a personal message 🙂


10 months ago

Yes, no one is investigating you against your will. You can refuse or cancel the investigation at any time.

10 months ago

No matter what examination, you decide what is done and what is not

10 months ago


Even if you are a virgin, you can be examined in the intimate area. There is no investigation that is not done because you are a virgin.

They must not examine you without your consent. So if you expressly say you don’t want to be examined, they can’t force you.


You have to count on not being allowed to diagnose without examination. So if you go to the female doctor because you have complaints or problems, then you can expect that you will not get any help without examination or no improvement or relief.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



10 months ago

You decide what to do on site. And if you want an investigation, that’s okay.

9 months ago

Your juvenile skin is stretchable to a certain point. There are small vaginal speculum for something like this to look into you and make a smear.

10 months ago

Of course, you can refuse the investigation, but that would be little sensible. Your bachelor’s skin is taken into consideration unless it is already torn in sports. But it’s a normal step to grow, just check if everything goes right down there. Then the inhibition threshold is not so big to go to the doctor if really something is. Because you can now relax without embarrassing complaints

10 months ago

If you don’t want it yourself, it’s okay. The decision is entirely yours. But it can be recommended that everything be done in peace and you can get used to it. Your virginity doesn’t happen unless it’s already torn before

10 months ago

my mother meant because I’m a virgin I can’t be examined at the bottom because it would be an intervention

That’s bullshit.

and I do not want to

This, on the other hand, is a legitimate reason not to let you examine.

The question is whether it should be a routine visit or whether you have complaints. Because in case of complaints, you should be examined.

It has nothing to do with your virginity, it is not a sexual act.

The most important thing is that your mother has no right to speak at all.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sophie26072007

Yes, that’s widespread, then the female doctor will tell you exactly what examination he thinks appropriate.