Sollte ich mein Intimbereich rasieren befor ich zum Frauenarzt gehe?
Kann es passieren das wenn man nackt da liegt geil wird?
Sollte ich mein Intimbereich rasieren befor ich zum Frauenarzt gehe?
Kann es passieren das wenn man nackt da liegt geil wird?
Wenn einer fragt würde ich sagen: habe beim letzten mal dem Bro zu wenig Trinkgeld gegeben. Denkt ihr das die Frage dann beantwortet ist ?
Frühstück nichts Mittag/ Nachmittag Nudelsuppe und Spaghetti Bolognese Abend Snack Lebkuchen
Hello! Ich hätte am Samstag meine Tage bekommen sollen, hab sie aber bisher noch nicht. Mittlerweile ist es bei mir echt sehr pünktlich, deswegen wundert das mich so. Schwanger kann ich nicht sein. am Freitag hatte ich sehr starke Schmerzen im rechten Unterbauch/ Flanke (Blinddarm ist schon raus) und Verdacht Endometriose… hat jemand eine Idee…
Hii, Ich hab zurzeit den Verdacht, dass ich Chlamydien oder eine Pilzinfektion habe und würde gerne einen Termin beim Frauenarzt vereinbaren. Ich weiß aber jetzt nicht, ob ich mich im Intimbereich bei Chlamydien oder einer Pilzinfektion Rasieren darf und ich finde es etwas unangenehm unrasiert zum Frauenarzt zu gehen da es 1. mein 1. Mal…
Hi Louissa:-
No, it’s not necessary for you to shave intimacy beforehand. Many always think that the doctor can examine one better then, but in reality it doesn’t matter to the doctors whether you have pubic hair or they are abrasive. I would therefore recommend that you just leave it as you like it and feel comfortable.
I can fully understand your concerns and fears. The first examination with the female doctor is always an exciting experience, I also know this from my first visit to the female doctor at that time. It’s never easy if you have to take off for the first time in front of a strange person and then you’re still studying it. It is the normal job of a doctor who sees various naked people every day and doesn’t think about it, but as a patient you still have a natural shame in such a situation. Especially in the first examination, there is a bit of overcoming that a foreign doctor should be released at the bottom. But you’ll see if you’re going to have the first investigation behind you, then next time it’ll be a little easier and more relaxed for you. It is important that you trust the doctor and feel comfortable with him. The second time you’ll be much less excited.
And don’t worry, such an investigation is in no case, so you don’t need to be afraid at all 🙂
I hope I could help you a little with my answer. If you have any questions about visiting the female doctor or need more tips, you can of course also contact me personally at any time, I would like to help you further 🙂
No, you don’t have to shaving. It’s not untreated or unhygienic.
You can wear a long sweater or a skirt during the examination so you don’t feel completely naked. The investigation doesn’t take long. 5 mins should be sufficient for the first examination according to which examination methods they use everything (for example, whether the one vaginal ultrasound does or not).
You can let her explain everything. Without your consent, she is not allowed to conduct an investigation. If you let it explain to you, and if you don’t want any investigation done, you can refuse it.
The investigations are not pleasant or exciting, but rather the opposite, neutral or even a little unpleasant. Until now, I have never experienced that only one person was excited or felt comfortable and stimulating. But the gynecologist is also not there, but for an investigation and nothing is exciting about it!!
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
No, you don’t have to shave, you have no advantage.
And the situation is very unerotic overall. The probability of getting excited is extremely low.
Nö, my former female doctor once told me it could even be beneficial in the first examinations (at the age of about 14-15), as this also allows conclusions about your physical development. Therefore, I am more of the opinion that it should not be done at all.
But if you don’t get horny (I at least) at the FA, it’s rather unfamiliar and a little unpleasant because you give a lot of money.
if you should go to a female doctor You don’t have to shave it down below, he can do all the investigations also with z pubic hair and get horny you will definitely not be there for it is too sterile
You don’t have to. And no one is not getting horny.
Basically, you don’t have to shave.
With strong hair growth and a rash or similar, this could be helpful.
Theoretically you could become “healthy” but actually this is a rather unpleasant atmosphere, so that is not very likely.
No man’s not getting horny.
and it doesn’t care if you are shaved or not
Man? I thought it was a woman?
One with a n .