französisch oder italienisch?
hallo ich hätte da eine frage
ich gehe nächstes jahr in eine andere schule (in die 9.) und muss mich zwischen französisch und italienisch entscheiden. ich weiß jedoch nicht was ich wählen soll, weil ich in meiner jetzigen schule schon das 2. jahr jetzt französisch lerne.. würde ich mir leichter tun würde ich mit französisch weiter machen (note 2-3) oder sollte ich zu italienisch wechseln, hatte gehört italienisch wäre leichter aber bin mir nicht sicher..
würde mich auf eine antwort freuen!!
The only thing that matters is what language you can inspire.
Even if language X could be of advantage later, it doesn’t matter if nothing remains because it doesn’t interest you. And it doesn’t matter to learn anything you don’t need.
If you’ve had French for two years and you’ve got a good grade, I’d stay with you. If you choose another language now, you start again from the front. In addition, in Italian some things (for example the numbers) are similar to French, but not exactly the same, which increases the risk that you mistake it and make mistakes.
If you are easier to do with French, take French. French is, in my opinion, one of the languages that speak more, in Africa speak a lot French as an example
here are some ideas:
French is spoken much more frequently than Italian. The “Internationality” as regards, plays Italian a rather subordinate role.
Which of these languages you should learn better will always remain a very personal choice in which the following points should be included:
– his job request: What language is most important for this?
– his personal, private interests:
– Which country do you prefer to make a holiday?
– To/In which country has the most relationship, friends, relationship?
– Which country does the heart beat most?
– In what language do you find most support in his family, friends and acquaintances, because someone has already learned or speaks the language?
I wish you a good hand in your decision and good luck and success for your further school and professional future.