Frankreich Austausch Gastgeschenk?

Hey, ich fahre in einer Wochen auf einen Frankreich Austausch und ich würde der Familie gerne ein Gastgeschenk mitbringen. Habt ihr Ideen was man verschenken könnte? Bitte nichts alkoholisches

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1 year ago


a gift serves above all to say “thank you” and get into conversation with each other. Then you should choose your gift. This doesn’t necessarily have to be an oeuvre, better something typical of your region.

Find ideas and tips for gifts here

Best regards

1 year ago

So as typical German things like Lübecker Marzipan or Lebkuchen maybe. Or if you come from a larger city you can buy something like cups, calendars, etc. with pictures of your city. Football jerseys are also often a beautiful idea.

1 year ago

A tape about your home always fits.

If the hosts are interested in literature and learn German, then also what typical Germans, such as the collected works by Wilhelm Busch – this is funny and the images help to understand the stories for children and adults.