Fragen zum Tod meines Wellis – Aussehen, Verwesung?
Mein Welli ist vor 10 Monaten gestorben. Ich muss selbst heute noch an sie denken.
Ich habe sie am frühen Morgen auf dem Boden entdeckt, kalt und starr.
Ca. 3h vor ihrer Beerdigung kam eine durchsichtige Flüssigkeit aus ihren Naselöchern. Was war das und wieso kam das schon so früh?
Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war ihr Körper auch nicht mehr so starr und auf dem Weg zum Beerdigungsort war ihr ganzer Körper auf einmal sehr beweglich. Wie kann das sein, dass ihr Körper so schnell wieder beweglich war? Es war an dem Tag nicht heiß draußen und wir haben sie erst gegen Abend beerdigen können.
Was würde mich erwarten, wenn ich ihren Sarg öffne nach 10 Monaten unter der Erde? Nur Knochen oder auch noch Spuren von den verwesten Flüssigkeiten oder vereinzelte Federn? Würde es unerträglich stinken?
Ich frage diese Sachen nicht nur aus Neugierde, sondern weil ich auch damit abschließen will. Deswegen bitte ich euch um seriöse Antworten.
I can understand you very well. I also mourn my beloved Welli who died two years ago. I didn’t love any of my birds like them. She was also totally stupid because I had raised her myself. I buried her in the adjacent forest.
But what you think you’re gonna dig them up again, I don’t think it’s a good idea. You’ll find bones, the beak and feathers, no more. If there are other remnants, this is certainly not a pleasant sight with which you can conclude. I don’t know if it stinks. After that time, I guess not anymore. But with your sensitivity, I could imagine you’re more on the ground than now.
Better keep a nice memory of her if that is possible. She’s got her dead rest now, as people would say. You should pay attention and not disturb them.
Good for you.
Thank you for your words! If it gives an almost nightmare to one’s own idea, it’s definitely worse. 🙁 Mine is also located in a beautiful forest, and because forest floor is ideal for the destruction… It hurts that she didn’t get 5 years old. I very much hope that you and I will eventually be able to deal with the death of our beloved Wellis.
Oh, she was so young… That’s really tragic. And if she didn’t get sick before, it’s a shock. Unfortunately, we never know what diseases they bear in them. They are so small, and even the veterinarian can sometimes not help. Right now I have one that doesn’t help.
I very much hope that you and I will eventually be able to deal with the death of our beloved Wellis.
I can’t do it today even though I had to bury a lot. I wish you a lot of strength and that it will not hurt so much at some point and you will find inner peace.
I’m so sorry
when someone dies, the muscles for a dae stiff (dead star) but become loose again. But I can’t say more precisely, I don’t know that well. I can’t say anything about the liquid that came out of the nose.
that this is still busy after 10 months, shows that you cannot complete. But please don’t make the mistake to open the coffin. You would then have a very unsightly picture of him and no longer the picture as he was alive and happy. Please do not
Thank you for your answer and words.
I generally have a problem with the subject of disguise. She’s not my first Welli who died and I’ve had since the first. Death already has strong problems with it.
I’ll try to stay strong and never disturb her resting place. I don’t know why I can’t finish it. Thank you for your time!
It hurts me to read it. What are you afraid of? Did something happen?
Thanks, and no problem, I’m glad you answered. : I’m an adult. My parents divorced when my father was always there for me. By the divorce, he has unfortunately changed and is more distant and you feel bad when you try to address such issues, because he thinks I should not deal with it. I’ve been in psychotherapy for a few years, including day care, but nothing helps. Until now, I’ve lost my grandfather, but unfortunately his death has been abandoned.
Please continue to enjoy your Chihuahua every day and continue to create beautiful memories with you. I hope your favorites will stay healthy and live for a long time.
Every day my current Wellis lives makes me happy.
I have two Chihuahuas and I often think about how bad it would be if one of the two would die. One would almost have died, and I was mentally totally broken. But today she’s okay
Sorry, I just had no time to answer. I’m really sorry.
I still often think that after 10 months you still suffer so much, that really touched me.
Can you talk to your parents about this sadness?
have you lost love people through the dead?
Thanks for asking you so much. I can’t explain it to me, maybe this has a completely different origin. I’m very attached to things, it’s hard to let go of me.
Perhaps because death is definitive and therefore the living being finally disappears from the world, which cannot be prevented.
I’m afraid of many final things. I also saw a video where a woman dug up her dead Welli and you could see, despite a thin cloth, that something has already been done at the bottom. 🙁
If they want to complete it in this way, you should just look.
Life, as well as death, is determined by the chemistry of the body’s own substances.
Not anymore, but not less.
There’s nothing mysterious about it….
…. there are things that happen in nature every day.
Best regards
– skilled in the art –
I want to look, but I know that maybe I’m going to regret it so that I’m mentally broken forever. :/ I don’t know why this topic has been naming me for almost two decades. She’s dead, and she doesn’t hurt her, but her body is the only thing she was on earth.