Fragen von Femboy an euch?
Hey hey meine Pookies! Hier ein paar Fragen an euch!
Wie reagiert ihr wenn ihr nen Femboy sieht?
Was denkt ihr über Femboys?
Findet ihr uns süß? 😣🥹
Hättet ihr gerne einen Femboy Freund? (Beziehung)
Wenn ja wie würdet ihr uns in einer Beziehung behandeln? (frage aus reiner Interesse) 😖
Mögt ihr Anime/ Manga?
Wenn ja was sind eure Favourites?
Nice to see you
I love you sweet
How you want
Yes it is fate, naruto, one piece and attack on titan
Femboy are cute when it’s done well. I like cosplay too. I’d like to start a femboy. I’m half in the rail.
M 46
I’d be happy:)
Cool, find me nice
I have no problem with
Respectful and loving
Not really, don’t get really warm with it.
Living in the countryside, so it never came to it Probably I would just look short inconspicuous 🤔
If you can do it, it would be boring if everyone were the same:)
Joa, come on. From a certain age but no longer so 😅
I honestly don’t know that right. I’d rather be nice. I just know pretty sure my parents would kill me😂
Of course respectful and normal
Yes, both
Rama 1/2, Inuyasha, Death Note, Assassination Classroom, Elfenlied, BNA, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Seraph of the End, The Promised Neverland and a few more. Can’t decide for a clear favorite 😅
I’m totally on Femboys. Find them very sweet and seductive.
How I would treat them, like private
I’m a Femboy who likes to send me a FA
Not in that sound my little one.
courtesy, with the magic word
You must learn a lot
Please Master
rare and little
How do you react when you see Femboy?
not at all
What do you think about Femboys?
nix. Doesn’t interest me
Do you think we’re sweet?
No? But I don’t think my date is sweet. Sweet are babies and dog puppies.
Would you like a Femboy friend? (Relation)
No. Date just n guy and still n second I can’t use
If so, how would you treat us in a relationship? (request from pure interest) 😖
how n man!
Do you like anime/manga?
Wtf!? that is not very loyal
I don’t have a partner and date a guy. I can’t use a second. Where isn’t that very loyal?
Aaso sorry I misunderstood your answer
I don’t know, will I find out when I see one 😅
I personally find it cute :3
Could I introduce myself?
Good question, no idea
Nope at Mangas/ Animes I am out 🤷
How do you react when you see Femboy? I would in any case induce him if ned too old
What do you think about Femboys? Find me cute
Do you think we’re sweet?
Would you like a Femboy friend? (relation) jaaaa but here there is no one
If so, how would you treat us in a relationship? (a question of pure interest)
Nice as you want or he
Do you like anime/manga? Yes
If what are your favorites?