Questions about breeding?
Is it possible to breed all living things as one wants?
My colleague told me that the domestic dogs we have today were originally bred by the British. If that's true, then we should be able to domesticate other creatures like tigers, right?
Then you could breed tigers that are tame
Could one theoretically increase the intelligence of an animal through targeted breeding?
Purely from a genetic point of view, it would be possible in every generation to take out the individuals who come closest to the breeding target (eight, behavior, etc.) and so to spread with them until the desired result has been achieved.
However, it is necessary here to a large extent to randomly occurring changes (e.g. fur color).
But with a purely theoretically infinite amount of time in which any possible change in logic occurs at some point, it would potentially be possible to breed a tasty house kitten from a tiger.
However, it should be borne in mind that our real housecats have never experienced a domination by the human being as it was the case with the dog. Because the cat has the only way through a self-domestication.
It is also difficult to find out whether this would be possible with all animal species. It is known from some animal species that they cannot be cultivated in human care or only very poorly, which is why it would be more likely that one should die out of the breeding line before one would also only come into the vicinity of the breeding target.
VG :
I just read “Selfdomestics”. Many years ago I saw a show in the show where it was said that it might be similar to the dogs.
Okay, that’s interesting.
Just as it came to the point that the wolf was domed, is still not finally cleared.
Yeah, what you write is mostly right. Dogs all come from the wolf. There are fighting dogs, and also very tame dogs. And different size naturally. This could also be done with other animals, but it takes many generations (century). With pets and farm animals it is partly made. Pigs, cows, sheep, chickens.
You can’t grow an elephant from a can, or from a mouse a stork.
This is always done by mutations. If a tiger was suddenly very tame, he couldn’t survive. However, if a tasty tieger is fed by people, he can get offspring, which may also be tasty.
Theoretically yes. But not only the British have bred the dogs. He and was one of the first animals that the human being has taken to himself after being seized more than 10,000 years ago.
In theory, you could really tame every animal and domestize it by breeding and breed new breeds. But this takes centuries to millennia (depending on species).
And yes, the intelligence can also be improved by breeding. You can see breeds like the Border Collie, who is probably the most intelligent dog breed.
Yeah, I can. Depending on the species, it takes several generations.
There are species, such as zebra, which are considered to be non-domesticated. Because of their dangerous habitat, they are “extremely” in flight.
Not only from the British, Iol…
It is possible to try to do it in any way. Some species are more suitable. At Zebras, you tried for a long time, but then abandoned. Silver foxes, on the other hand, quickly show clear dominant characteristics.
Dogs were the first pets of the human being, they had at least 20000 years to make a chihuahua from the wolf. At that time, the people were still hunters and collectors, and where there were the first dogs, you are not so sure that they were already there when people were sedentary – cattle only came with the sedentary.
Prerequisite for an animal that is domed/ bred for the pet: it must be social, can be kept in a group, get used to people and multiply there, as far as possible no escape animals and it must have any benefit and of course not be too special in the diet.
With the exception of domestic cats, which are moderately social and often along the way as rat-catchers, without which one would have taken great care and the escape animal horse, which had a gigantic benefit, but in which it is almost impossible to understand how this could be measured, the prerequisites for all pets are fully applicable.
Tigers are barely tamed, very elaborate in diet and posture, no group animals, hardly any benefits etc. – it has never been worthwhile to keep tigers in a large style and to breed the few who needed zb at the farm or in the arena, they were usually brought out of the wild. You’d also like to have a white copy with which you tried to breed because they are special. But in order to exalt large and characteristic changes there are many generations missing – there are always wildlife.
Theoretically yes.