Fragen nach oder über?
Hallo liebe Leute!
Ist Präposition “über” immer falsche Wahl?
“Ich habe sie über ihren Urlaub gefragt” – Ich will sagen: ich habe gefragt, wie sie ihren Urlaub verbracht hat oder/und wie er ihr gefallen hat
Ist der Satz falsch?
Also mit “nach” geht es hier bestimmt nicht “Ich habe sie nach ihrem Urlaub gefragt”.
Sollte ich den Satz umformulieren, so etwa “Ich habe sie gefragt, wie sie ihren Urlaub verbracht hat”. Und wäre das dann die einzige Möglichkeit?
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
But the prepositional connection is: ask someone for something
If you are extremely curious and really want to know everything little hair, you can say: ask someone about something
Thanks for the answer! For me sounds ask for as if it were the question of the absence of a person or subject. As in the sentence “She asked for him” in the sense that she asked where he is. And if she wants to find out something about him, then I would have said “She asks about him” about his qualities, for example.
This meaning ask for too. This results from the context.
ask about jdn. don’t go.
☃️🌲 Thank you for your star!🌲☃️
Thank you.
In the context “over” is wrong. But it goes without problems “I have them over their holidays in question.”
Thank you.
You ask. You ask her after her vacation.
How was your holiday?
You asked.
You can also ask them to tell about their vacation or their holiday.
English is difficult XD
German is fun. Thank you for the answer
Thank you.