ich hab ein paar Fragen zur Sexualurkunde.
1.) Wenn man das Jungferhäutchen zunähen lässt bildet sich quasi eine neue Hautschicht oder ist es gerissen, sodass es nie wieder mehr zum Bluten gebracht werden in. ?
2) Angenommen die Gebärmutter ist nicht ausgewachsen und man nimmt die Pille so mit 16, was würde passieren, also welche Probleme gibt es dabei.
“sexual deed” has made me smile
1. The hymen is not “stretched” and it is not a closed lid from the beginning. This time to understand.
But there is the possibility of a hymen reconstruction, which, however, primarily falls under cosmetic surgery. I can’t tell you what’s bleeding about the new “first time”.
2. Good question. First of all, it depends on why the uterus is not properly trained. Under certain circumstances, the pill becomes a drug to compensate for the possible cause (hormonal disorders).
🥰😂, this was the type generator. Thank you for your answer. On the second question, I meant that one takes the pill before and then only realizes that the uterus has not yet grown. I’ve seen a Tik Tok video where someone said he has problems with the uterus- signs of side effects likely as it has not yet been matured and therefore she has put off the pill
The pill drives if, then rather the growth ahead 🤔 it is actually a supply of female sex hormones, and they are – admittedly grade very childishly naively thought- responsible for allowing the reproductive organs to form during puberty. As far as I have the degree on the screen, the uterus grows anyway “with” and changes during puberty in the main thing.