Fragebogen Weisheitszahn OP rauchen?

Hey, ich bin M(16) und habe am Dienstag meine Weisheitszahn OP.

Heute bekam meine Mutter eine E-Mail mit einem Fragebogen (Allergen, Größe, Gewicht, etc.). Eine Frage bezog sich darauf, ob ich Rauche. Da ich mit meiner Mutter das ausgefüllt habe, haben wir Nein angekreuzt.

Das Problem ist aber, dass ich eben schon Rauche ( Selten Zigaretten, aber immer Vape). Meine Eltern wissen das nicht, und könnten sich das auch nicht vorstellen, weshalb sie auch, ohne zu zögern, nein angekreuzt hat.

Ich hab jetzt aber Angst, dass das eine wichtige Information für meinen Chirurgen sein kann und er wohlmöglich bei Rauchern etwas berücksichtigen muss.

Könnt ihr mir sagen, ob das schlimm ist?

Dazu muss ich noch sagen, dass ich mich natürlich darüber informiert habe und seit letztem Dienstag kein Nikotin mehr konsumiere und auch nach der OP für 1-2 Wochen keines Konsumieren werde.

Ist die Frage vielleicht auch nur da, damit ich diesbezüglich aufgeklärt werde?

Ich würde mich über eine Antwort freuen, guten Start in die Woche:)

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10 months ago

Questionnaire Wisdom tooth OP smoking?

The questionnaire on an OP should always be filled with truthfulness. Fairy tales have lost nothing in it ❗

If you smoke, then tick. As a smoker, you should have the ass in your pants to stand…

In order to get rid of the law as a minor, it was also enough…

I’m afraid that this can be an important piece of information for my surgeon, and I think he might have to take some account of smokers.

Och… there had a nurse boredom and has smoked with…❓ So…❓ 🤔

Smoking affects wound healing.

To do this, I must say, of course, that I have informed myself about it and that no nicotine has been consumed since last Tuesday and that even after the surgery no consumption will be possible for 1-2 weeks.

What does the nicotine now have to do with the question of smoking ❓

If a doctor wants to know if you consume nicotine, he asks for nicotine and not for smoking…

As I read here, conspiracy theorists are on their way and spread their fairy tales…

The background with smoking is as mentioned.

Nicotine does not lead to vascular constrictions. It does not have a negative effect on wound healing. What makes nicotine is comparable to a cold shower or a kneippkur. The vessels are collapsing at short notice. It’s not harmful, it’s healthy. It has a positive effect on the elasticity of the vessels.

When talking about vascular constrictions, it is meant permanently. nicotine is not involved in this, but very well smoking ❗


After surgery, you should not smoke ❗

This would lead us back to the topic of wound healing ❗

Smoking delays wound healing

10 months ago
Reply to  GabHH

You’re right, I should be there, but I don’t… I’ve never smoked a cigarette or the like in the public. Hardly anyone knows I smoke. And regarding the questionnaire, the situation would have been anything, but not fitting to confess to my mother that I smoke.

10 months ago

Hi, no it’s not bad, and your surgeon doesn’t have to know that for your consumption. Nothing happens. The background is that in severe smokers wound healing disorders can be expected.

I got this behind me too and I went back two or three days after a surgical procedure so well that I smoked a cigar with a buddy. About half in there, my buddy asks me how the surgery went, and I just remembered I wasn’t supposed to smoke… I had forgotten it. Two more days later in control my doctor then said that this is extremely fast and well cured.

So the one cigar actually didn’t even look like something.

As I said, it is a question of whether difficult and disturbed wound healing can be expected. Just let this go for a time until everything is good again and then it fits. In your case, it is not relevant information for your surgeon and it doesn’t matter that you crossed “no”. That’s right.

10 months ago
Reply to  Paratus

So the one cigar actually didn’t even look like something.

This is more under the context “Glück Had…”

Of course, this one cigar was all but helpful…

It could have caused inflammation.

Open wounds and smoke… an absolute no-go.

10 months ago
Reply to  GabHH

Yes, of course, smoking is a risk factor, I said so. It certainly delays wound healing. That was a mistake at the time. I was fine, and I didn’t think about it anymore, only when we were about half an hour at the quarzing, he asked me how it had actually been running and I remembered: “Mis, shouldn’t smoke.” But I couldn’t change it.

And yes, you’re right, of course, it wasn’t beneficial.

10 months ago


All handwork… just an idea

But that would be something that has a level, can be fun and not damaged.

That’s what I think…

The ingredients of the liquid for e-cigarettes are proven to be all anti-batery. The propylene glycol can even neutralize flu viruses.

Result of the Robertson study, inhalation of propylene glycol in humans.

10 months ago

The harmful to smoking is the toxic substances produced by the combustion process.

Smoking damages slowly but continuously. In the past, much was attributed to the nicotine. But that is nonsense, even though it is still spread on many sides.

3 years are no time for an implant. With good work, good quality and appropriate care, it should be min. 20 years and longer…

In the case of smokers who stop, the blood circulation re-enters. This can temporarily lead to bleeding on the gums.

If you still need something to chill, but don’t want to harm you, then create a good e-cigarette or maybe an e-pea.

E-cigarettes are proven to be harmless for adult use and responsible handling.

Why is that so…? Because no burning and no harmful ingredients.

I’m looking for a link to E-Pfeifen…

10 months ago

I didn’t know. I’ve been smoking for a long time, but only cigars. More than half my life. But only real cigars, so nothing from the gas station.

I already have an implant, I believe now for three years. I am extremely pleased with this so far.

I know it would be better to stop, but sometimes in the evening, with a good cigar. These are my 2h vacation. It tastes so good and the reddish smell of toast and coffee. I’m a warm summer night when I listen to jazz music, Sarah Vaughan or Stan Getz, I think every time I’m alone in the Caribbean. It’s just these moments…

10 months ago

In implants it is even more important not to smoke.

ABER… if you let yourself put implants, you should stop smoking completely. Smoking is the death of all implants. If you want to enjoy the implant for a long time, then immediately Stop

Actually, it’s a little late to stop as the body turns around after. However, better late than smoke.

It’s just a good advice…

10 months ago

You funny… I’m due on Wednesday, because of an implant, in twilight treatment.

That’s really an extreme coincidence, I thought how you know that and then I thought maybe I mentioned it above, but I didn’t. You kind of felt it.

So thank you so much, that surely brings me happiness;)

…and I will not smoke this time, destined – how could I forget it now.

10 months ago

Heheee… I’ve finally confused you with the FS. 🤔🤣

10 months ago

But it’s always about smoking. They are incinerators which are partly highly toxic.

After surgery, you should remember. This is important ❗

All good for your surgery.

10 months ago

As long as you avoid nicotine, it shouldn’t be so bad.

The nicotine acts in vascular constriction and therefore inhibits wound healing.

10 months ago
Reply to  orangade

The nicotine theme is not discussed in terms of content.

10 months ago
Reply to  orangade

The nicotine theme is not discussed in terms of content. – Yeah, right… Discussing also looks completely different than constantly telling lies and denying facts when the lies are corrected.

10 months ago
Reply to  orangade

As long as you avoid nicotine, it shouldn’t be so bad.


The FS should avoid smoking ❗

And that means any kind of smoking.

The nicotine acts in vascular constriction and therefore inhibits wound healing.

This is also wrong, but this is already known to you ❗

Smoking has a negative effect on wound healing. Nicotine is not involved in this ❗

10 months ago
Reply to  orangade

The nicotine acts in vascular constriction and therefore inhibits wound healing – No, it doesn’t. No matter how much you want to imagine this and talk to others here all the time!


10 months ago
Reply to  orangade

As long as you avoid nicotine, it shouldn’t be so bad.


Nicotine is not harmful, but

the incinerators in the RAUCH!!

The FS should avoid the RAUCHEN!

The nicotine acts in vascular constriction and therefore inhibits wound healing.

❗️NO, this is also wrong❗️

—> RAUCHEN inhibits the

wound healing … —> not nicotine❗️

10 months ago

Can keep steaming. Does not represent a major health risk.

Also with nicotine. What do you think you need a new bite?

Even if, the whole thing is delayed. If anything. Nicotine is wanted and planned in society.