Frage: Zweite Note, was ist das (Musiknote)?

Die erste Note ist vermutlich ein A, die zweite sieht zumindest aus wie ein umgedrehtes B (?), das dritte ist ein C und die vierte wieder ein A. Jetzt nochmal zurück zur zweiten Noten, kann das dann ein B sein, auch wenn B eigentlich so aussieht wie auf das zweite Foto?

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1 year ago

Yeah, in that case, it’s a B because we’re in F major. It does not matter which direction the neck of the note shows, but on which height the head is.

1 year ago

It is a B because the head is on the corresponding line. You shouldn’t fix yourself on the necks, they don’t care about the pitch.

1 year ago

Yes of course this is also an H or B

the note neck goes upwards from the middle line for better readability.

But if a note is still in the system, sometimes not e.g. at 1/4tel or !/16 notes, because then these are sometimes connected to a common “value line”. I mean quarter or eighth or 16th grades

9 months ago

The b is written at the beginning of the line, so it does not have to be in front of the note. From the h (/b/ces/ais) the neck is written down, but if a note with neck is up before it, all notes are written upwards under the bar (only with notes under bars, e.g. eighth/sixth/sixty-sixth/…/nots)

1 year ago

The second note is an H if it has no sign. It’s only a B when there’s a sign.

1 year ago
Reply to  GxrlyE07

No, it’s a B because at the front of the note key a b is drawn.