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1 year ago


The weeks of pregnancy are usually counted from the beginning of the last rule bleeding.

Since the ovulation (and thus fertilization) takes place in a perfect 28-day cycle on cycle day 14, the first two weeks of pregnancy are not even pregnant.

This only happens with the ovulation at the beginning of the 3rd week. The recession then takes place towards the end of the 3rd. The woman is “right” pregnant.

However, it is not possible to prove the pregnancy until 14 days after the ovulation, so at the earliest at the beginning of the 5th week.

Until the woman knows she’s pregnant, she’s actually already in the 2nd month.

Why is it counted? Because most women don’t know when their ovulation was, but very well when they last bleeded.

1 year ago

I heard you can never be pregnant in the 1st month, why?

You can.

The first month is the time between fertilization or, in my opinion, also indignation and completed first month of pregnancy, i.e. the corresponding four weeks.

1 year ago

Because the cycle is counted as the 1st month until the ovulation (fertilization, implantation, etc.).

i.e. the first 4 weeks up to the regular period are counted as month 1