Frage zur Commerzbank Maestro karte?
Hallo, meine Frage bezieht sich auf die Maestro Karte der commerzbank, da Maestro abgeschafft wird frage ich mich, was der Nachfolger ist, weil meine Karte abgelaufen war, ich eine neue bekommen habe und diese trotz der Abschaffung am 1. Juli mit Maestro kam. Kann ich die Karte im Ausland noch nutzen z.B. in Tschechien? Was passiert bei der Commerzbank? Meine Eltern sind zum Beispiel bei der targobank und die haben beide vor zwei Wochen ihre V-Pay Karte durch eine Visa debit Karte ersetzt bekommen, seitdem können die zwar kein Geld mehr im Supermarkt abheben, aber können sie in Kombination mit der Targo App, im online Handel nutzen…
The Commerzbank, like Deutsche Bank, continues to issue Girocard with Maestro. There were agreements with MasterCard. The Maestro system was also not switched off to the 01.07., but only no new cards were issued until the exceptions last. You can continue to use your Girocard/Maestro anywhere as usual until the expiry of validity, even abroad.
Neither Commerzbank, nor Deutsche Bank has so far expressed what cards they offer in the future. A change to Vpay would be useless, as Visa will certainly stop it soon. Possibly that Maestro just falls away and it becomes a pure Girocard. Both also offer a MasterCard debit. Perhaps this is also optional for the standard bank card and the Girocard. Optimum would of course be a combination card from Girocard and MasterCard Debit (or Visa Debit), as the savings banks now issue it.
The new edition with Maestro is set to 01.07.2023. Use is possible without problems until the expiry date of the card.
Maestro is abolished. Most banks now offer “V Pay” on their current cards.
Nö, no bank that has used MAESTRO to date is from 1st. Change July to V-Pay. Instead, the Girocard is paired with a debit card from Mastercard or VISA. Alternatively, e.g. the Girocard is only issued on request without additional functions. V-Pay is also an outlet model.
But, 1822 directly changes from the dead horse Maestro to the soon dying horse Vpay 🤷🏻 ♂️