Frage zum Versand via deutsche Post (…)?

Guten Morgen,

Ich habe privat etwas verkauft auf Kleinanzeigen. Der Käufer war mit einer Großbrief Sendung (unversichert) für 1,60 einverstanden, hat auch nach keinem versicherten Versand gefragt oder darauf bestanden. Nun gut, sein Geld kam an, ich habs verpackt, verschickt und ihm die Belege zukommen lassen, die ich bei der Post bekommen habe. Jetzt nach ca 5 Tagen sagt der Käufer, er hat keine Ware bekommen und möchte gerne sein Geld zurück. Ich muss dazu sagen, dass ich ziemlich viel auf Kleinanzeigen verkaufe, bei fast immer der gleichen Versandart, außer es wird darauf bestanden und für eine andere Versandart gezahlt, dann natürlich nicht und alles kam bisher innerhalb 2-3 Tagen an

Wie ist denn hier nun die Rechtslage? Im Netz findet man unterschiedliche Meinungen dazu.

Ich bin der Meinung, nichts falsch gemacht zu haben.

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10 months ago

For private purchases, the shipping risk is transferred to the buyer. This means that if the buyer did not want an insured shipping, then the loss is his bad luck. This is, by the way, a popular stitch on classifieds. Don’t touch it. Reference to §447 BGB. There it is.

10 months ago
Reply to  kvNNN

Order fraudsters on classifieds and claim that the goods had never arrived and demand money back. Many also pay out of ignorance and the fraudsters have goods and money. Of course, I don’t know if this is the case, but you read it more often.

10 months ago

In the case of unsecured shipping – if this was explicitly so agreed – the shipping pink goes over to the recipient, at least in the case of private purchase.

You didn’t do anything wrong and you don’t have to refund money. No matter what the buyer thinks, says or claims.

10 months ago

Wait! There can always be something in between and therefore take longer. Personally, I always give you the tip to be insured or dispatched with shipment tracking. Without this, you have nothing in your hand to prove that the recipient has received it. You can’t prove that to PayPal. So the buyer gets his money back from Paypal and you’re standing there doof.

10 months ago

If your ad was clearly marked as a private sale, you are safe.

The Civil Code (BGB) provides clear rules for the so-called dispatch purchase: If the seller sends the sold item upon request of the buyer, the shipping risk is transferred to the buyer as soon as the seller has handed over the item to the courier service or mail (§ 447 BGB). In other words, if the seller – as with eBay – is to send the article, the buyer carries the shipping risk.

If you do it commercially, you’re fucked.

If you’re dealing with “much” stuff, you’re commercial. This is fast:

Article 2 Pages

So: Never again offer shipping options without confirmation of receipt!

10 months ago
Reply to  Walum

“If your ad was clearly marked as a private sale, you are safe.” You have to send the goods as a private seller. If the buyer chooses the unsecured shipping but for example paid via Paypal with buyer protection, it looks bad for one.