Frage zum Kauf von Kleidung?

Hallo an alle, wo kann man original Kleidung kaufen, die zum Beispiel aus dem 17. 18. Jahrhundert stammen oder noch älter sind? Die aber original aus der damaligen Zeit sind, also keine Retrokleidung neu produziert.

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1 month ago

You won’t get them. They may still be in a museum or in possession of very rich people. It’s about clothes that are up to 400 years old when I get you right. Even clothing does not last forever if it is not very well preserved.

So I think the answer to the question is: nowhere. You really have to resort to after-made clothes.

1 month ago

you will hardly get where, and if, at an enormous price ( auctions)

and portable it is not anyway: much too fragile!

1 month ago

You can buy in Amazon, or carnival shop.or you can sew yourself.