frage zu zero getränken?
ich trink gerne softdrinks und nun frag ich mich sollte ich eher zero varianen trinken oder weiterhin die normalen mit zucker ? ich hab gelesen die zero varianten sind gesünder
ich trink gerne softdrinks und nun frag ich mich sollte ich eher zero varianen trinken oder weiterhin die normalen mit zucker ? ich hab gelesen die zero varianten sind gesünder
Hallo Leute. Bei mir gibt’s heut Fisch (Kabeljaufilet). Was würdet ihr dazuessen? Mfg
Ich will mich etwas mehr über die israelische Kultur, insb deren Küche, informieren, wobei ich mir schwer tue einheitliche Informationen im Internet zu finden. Häufig stehen bei der Herkunft mehrere Länder. Da ich demnächst einen israelischen Supermarkt bzw eine Bäckerei aufsuchen möchte, hätte mich u.a. interessiert, was alles zu klassischen israelischen Backwaren zählt. Stimmt es,…
Ich bin 21, 175cm groß und wiege um die 85kg. Ich trinke praktisch gar nicht. Würde ich von einer Dose betrunken werden, wenn diese 330ml Inhalt hätte und 10% Alkoholgehalt?
In large quantities, both variants are unhealthy.
It would be better if you would drink little soft drinks and instead water. Then you can also easily allow something right with sugar.
Then more like ZERO
There’s at least the sugar gone, but sugar substitutes are stuck inside
rubber ball
In amounts both is not good – water is better.
I personally am a big fan of zero or light drinks, especially at Cola. In cold very sweet drinks, I always have a slight burning in the tooth spaces.
With Zero drinks, this is not the case because of the non-existent sugar. I also find Cola Zero better than normal Cola.
The OneHalt08
They have no sugar, but they have proven that the substitutes are appetizing. I would advise you to limit the amount you drink, for example a maximum of 1 liter per day. If you have problems with your weight, take the Zero, otherwise in the crowd the normal or sometimes so. Both are not really healthy, but with regard to sugar content, it is not apple juice, for example.
Hello, dertiger19. 😊
If you want to do without sugar, take the zero or light drinks.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
None of the two are healthy.
How unhealthy are light drinks really?
They’re both unhealthy. Either you take sugar or sweeteners…
but sugar is said to harm the lever bauchspeichel gland, etc. while sweeteners are not too sugar
should also be carcinogenic
Sweets are usually produced synthetically. I do not think this synthesis is better than normal sugar, which is obtained from beet and is natural.
Sugar does not harm a flat-rate but only if you take too much of it.
In addition, artificial sweeteners do not really taste good …
I’ve never got a sugar attack before;-)
And as I said, my palate is also worth the syntesis. But if you taste, get in.
It’s all cancerous.
Once 3 hours of sleep are a lot of relevant cancer
Oh, so it’s about soft drinks that sugar will never be healthy after the first two snoop.
And if you sit at home anyway, the body will not be able to start much with the 50 grams of sugar from a can.
Well, maybe something about Zero.
I drink them with sugar only when I go to sports, because at least I don’t cheat my body to get what it expects.
On the other hand, sugar will always be insufficient as sweeteners, and at least in each case, the body will not get a seizure after 5 doses.