Frage zu Windows?
Hallo an alle kann man es bei Windows so einstellen, dass Downloads nicht erst den Umweg über den Arbeitsspeicher und dann auf die Festplatte machen, sondern dass sie direkt auf die Festplatte wandern ich habe immer das Problem bei Downloads bei größeren Mengen, dass mein Arbeitsspeicher immer an seine Grenze stößt, obwohl ich 32 GB habe
A reasonable operating system also uses the memory to the extent that one is available and whether it is only for caching data. A full memory is only a problem if memory requirements can no longer be met by the operating system. And cache data in the memory are usually not a preventer of fulfilling memory requirements (if so, it would be a bug in the OS).
And my very personal opinion about your outsourcing file in the size of 28 GB: Complete nonsense from a time as a main memory was really scarce and expensive and you’d rather wait longer than the computer crashed. Nowadays, the specifications for paging space, outsourcing file, swap space (or how these detours might otherwise be called to expand the virtual memory) are the same as main memory (or even more) of which well-known software manufacturers do not want to leave, pure anachronism.
I’ve never heard that downloads land completely in the memory, and I don’t know that you can choose something like that, so you can turn it off again. They are only partially temporarily stored before they are stored in the download folder (or what you add).
Downloads are usually not completely loaded into the memory.
maximum caching when enough memory is free; this would be released immediately if it is otherwise required.
I have never heard of your problem in decades of employment with computers.
If that were, you could never download a file that is larger than the memory.
In this respect, the problem comes elsewhere.
How is it?
I can draw files from the network that are considerably larger than the memory I have.
If your system fails to download large files, it may have a different cause.
Yes, downloads go via the memory, but they are only partially stored in it and then streamed directly into the file. So it doesn’t make any sense what you’re saying, because these parts are not big gigabytes. The downloaded file is not packed to the full extent in the RAM. I don’t know, but it’s not like that. I think the problem is more of a different kind. Where exactly, I have too little information about your PC, programs, etc.
At most, a program is active in the memory so that the data transfer takes place. Check out which programs are active.