Question about KV diagram?
I know how it works, but I have a question. The turquoise extends beyond the edge. Are B and D also drawn for simplicity, or just C?
I know how it works, but I have a question. The turquoise extends beyond the edge. Are B and D also drawn for simplicity, or just C?
Hello, it's about theoretical computer science. My question is, what is the difference between formal and accepted language? Formal language is a set of words that can be composed of the characters in the alphabet. Accepted language, or L(A), is a set of accepted words that, from the initial state, end in an accepted state….
We are looking for a three-digit number. Its first digit is half the size of the second. Its second digit is three times the size of the third. what is the answer?
Hello everyone, We need to specify optical illusions using three commands in the Python programming language. The editor used is Thonny. The commands are: rectangle(1,2,3,4) line (1,2,3,4) ellipse (1,2,3,4) We have to create or have drawn optical illusions. The teacher showed us how it works on the computer. However, I don't have any further exercises,…
Ich verstehe die Frage nicht wirklich. Was meinst du mit “zur Vereinfachung gezogen”? Das blaue Kästchen in den oberen Ecken kannst du auch nochmal vertikal überlaufen lassen, so dass die unteren beiden Ecken auch mit in dem Kästchen sind und die Formel dann A + /B + /C/D + CD ist.
Ach, ja. Das ist mir ja gar nicht aufgefallen. Danke!