Frage zu Gehäuse Luft, dann bei PCs?
Hallo an alle ich habe die Frage ich habe Gehäuselüfter von der Marke Aero Cool diese haben keinerlei Markierung leider drauf, so dass ich nicht weiß, wie ich sie ins Gehäuse einbauen muss. Jetzt ist meine Frage soll ich sie so rum einbauen, dass die Lüfter von außen Luft ins Gehäuse Reinblasen oder die Luft vom Inneren des Gehäuses nach draußen blasen??
This has nothing to do with a marking on the fan, this only indicates in which direction the air is conveyed. You can easily recognize this even without marking.
You need both fans that transport air into the housing and those that blow it out again. When all fans convey air into the housing or vice versa, an over- or Vacuum, which can negatively affect the temperatures of your components and can dramatically accelerate the formation of dust.
So I’m building the two fans that belong on the front so that the air blows in and on the back is a single fan I’m building so that he pulls the air out?
Yes, that would be a suitable configuration.
How to install the fans is not dependent on the fan, but on the housing and your hardware. There are many ways to build fans.
The standard construction is that you have fans at the front, blow the air into the housing, and at the rear a fan that blows air out of the housing, so you just have an airflow from the front to the back.
However, depending on the housing and hardware, a different structure can also be useful.
In a normal fan, the “open” side is sucked in and blown out on the side with the connecting struts.
Build them as officially planned. If you don’t know, let it be built by professionals! Otherwise, you risk defects or performance reduction of your device.
For officially planned one usually has a marking on the fan but these fans actually have no marking
How is the fan manufacturer supposed to know what kind of case you have and how the fans are to be installed?
I think it’s more like markings for the construction of the air stream. Connections on the motherboard go only in one direction