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3 years ago

This should be the IAS (Indicated Airspeed). That’s where the plane gets the information about the dam. At greater height, the air is thinner, which means that the baffle tube can no longer measure reasonably and indicates lower values. There are still TAS (True Airspeed) and CAS (Calibrated Airspeed), which show the actual speed

Long speech, short sense: you’re on the move faster than you’re on. You should be able to calculate all the airspeeds in a menu, or should there be an ad for TAS to find out how fast you are, but how or whether that works in the MSFS2020 I don’t know because I don’t play it.

Disclaimer: I am not a pilot, so the answer could be completely wrong. Please refer to the experience I have made in a few other flight simulators (FSX and DCS World).