Frage zu einem Mac?
Hallo an alle ich habe ein Mac mit einer defekten Festplatte. Jetzt ist meine Frage kann ich eine andere Festplatte einfach nehmen, die ich unter Windows formatiert habe diese einbauen und und dort macOS installieren? Oder muss die Festplatte vorher in einem speziellen Format formatiert sein?
macOS can format hard drives yourself, you don’t need to format them in Windows before. Which format is the right one comes to the macOS version and whether the hard drive can be used comes to the hard drive and the Mac.
not formatting. simply completely empty and install.
okay, you happen to know how to create a bootable Apple Stick on Windows to install it I need as operating system Yosemite
install cable to mac and from the network.
can have many causes. especially in such works near the motherboard. If you don’t work on it, you don’t know exactly what you’re doing.
Ok Thank you I built the new hard drive only now somehow remains the screen dark. I’ll get him back to tomorrow, I’m sure I forgot a cable or not really in it. There were 3 Kabekl who were on the hard drive and my 4 cables from the display to the rest?
that doesn’t matter.
Does this even work when the device is used by classifieds?
Question goes that even if I am the new owner has it from small ads