Frage zu AC Kabel?
kann man jedes AC Kabel für jedes Gerät verwenden oder muss ich auf ein-Ausgangsleistung achten?
(Bilder unten)
kann man jedes AC Kabel für jedes Gerät verwenden oder muss ich auf ein-Ausgangsleistung achten?
(Bilder unten)
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der titel sagt es schon
Your cable says 2,5A 250V and your device says 240V 0.6A.
What are you worried about? The cable should not burn at 4 times the power, don’t you think you’re in the safe area?
Ne I ask because I don’t know about electricity, and I thought that the mini pc could get too much electricity. That’s why I ask the question because I don’t know.
No, cables are just stupid lines. They only have to withstand at least the required power. How much overhead you have, it doesn’t matter.
No, the device takes as much power as it needs.
The cables are standardized when it fits you can use it.
For Protection against damage caused by current strength overloads of the respective circuit in the apartment installation is the respective Line protection fuse responsible.
The question of the current-strength load limits of the many everyday, mechanically suitable and, in any case, largely standardized plug-in connections is practically completely meaningless during operation of everyday household appliances as well as the PC and periphery.
I also do not mount a specially selected saddle on my bike every morning according to my current body weight. To ensure the stability of the bicycle saddle, I would seriously worry about an extraordinary weight of 160 kg. I’d be safe. view the manufacturer’s details.
Euro plugs are standard, that fits.
Thank you.
Yeah, you can.