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11 years ago

What should be done occasionally in hard drives that store their data on magnetic disks is not necessary for SSD’s and even harmful!

An SSD stores the data in the flash memory. Physically, these memory cells have a limited service life which depends mainly on the number of write accesses. Therefore, these SSDs have a controller which ensures that write accesses always occur as far as possible on different storage areas, so that the storage cells wear as uniformly as possible.

When you come with your Defraggler, a lot of memory cells are read out and written again at another point – this causes the SSD to become unusable earlier.

By the way, the redistribution of the data is supposed to cause access to be faster in the future, but SSD is already much faster from the operating principle (access time).

So leave your fingers off the defrag at SSD’s!

11 years ago


You shouldn’t defragment the SSD. Because every additional reading and writing process is bad. Each memory cell can be reached and read out as quickly as possible, so it makes no sense to sort, worse still, it is unevenly “used” and is thus broken faster.

An HDD (rotating magnetic disks) should be defensive as the reading arm then has to travel less distance and thus comes to the required data more quickly.

11 years ago

The files are ordered on hard drive.