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10 months ago

I think Rubico gave you a very good overview of how the presentation could be well constructed.

I would like to give you additional information: Don’t write all this information about Heaven’s Will into a PowerPoint presentation!

Nothing is more boring than a presi full of text.

Create your presentation exciting. Make a time ray. Show pictures of relevant people, perhaps also a cartoon that shows the contradictions in history.

Afterward, you can distribute an info sheet with the key facts. So your fellow students are concentrated with you:)

10 months ago

Start with vivid pictures of the Sarajevo assassination. This will give you the attention of your audience.

Then you will return to the questionable title of your task immediately.

Who’s responsible?

The Serbs, because they kill him. Did he shoot the throne?

Emperor Franz Joseph because he signed the declaration of war?

The Germans, because they started a war with Russia 3 days later?

To complete your presentation, you draw the quintessence: For a war outbreak, there is never a single debtor. Even the victorious held in the Versailler Treaty (Article 231) that the dt. empire with the other middle powers (!!) carried the war debt.

In 1914, anno was that of the European cooking pot already on the broth, and the barrel finally ran through the Sarajevo assault.

10 months ago

Well, a subject for a student council isn’t exactly that, because it’s really very discarded.

It is best to look at a breakdown of one of the popular scientific representations that have been published 10 years ago, such as Jörg Friedrich 14/18: The Way to Versailles